april, 2006
april 27
wow.. april was a hectic month and it seems like may is shaping up to be equally as hectic. where to begin?.... easter was great. some friends came to stay with us and we went to the community centre egg hunt which grows a little less cut throat by the year - or maybe the kids are old enough to defend themselves! saturday my sister arrived, followed by my mum and dad, then nikki and dani. it felt like we'd moved into the airport. on sunday the easter bunny did a superb job with his easter egg hun - even if he does say so himself.
i took the week off work and i let the kids stay home from school until thursday so we all had plenty of time together. we took a trip to the greater vancouver zoo and spent the day at granville island. there were lots of meals, lots of games [including about 20 games of scrabble with kellie and my mum]. kellie and i also spent an afternoon at the hairdressers. i think my mum was disappointed that we ended looking a lot less like each other instead of a lot more [having said that, toby mistook kellie for me from the back once or twice]. it was sad to see them go back but my mum and dad are coming back at the very end of june for 2 weeks this time.
the children have been very discombobulated since they left. i don't know whether they're just tired because they were allowed to stay up later when they weren't in school but aly is throwing tantrums all over the place and toby is in tears over every little thing. it feels like i just stepped back in time about 2 yrs. fortunately i've been through enough phases now to know that things will get back to normal pretty soon, UNfortunately sascha has a big deadline so i'm chief tantrum referee since he hasn't seen the kids for a few days.
amusing quotes from this week:
"why are animals made of food?" toby
"i wish i was that young; it was so much fun being little" aly [whilst looking at photos of herself when she was 2]
april 6
the sunday before last was the first skating lesson for toby and first official lesson for aly [although she did do lots of sessions with her preschool when she was 3]. the first thing they did was to tell all the kids to fall over and then ask them all to get back up. those who succeeded [including aly] got to glide/wobble off into the sunset, while the others got to stay. toby struggled with getting up so spent most of his time flopped on the ice. he did make it a short way without any help and the reward was a pen to do some drawing on the ice. after a great deal of thought, he drew a very cute hockey player. he's not used to seeing his sister doing something better than him when it comes to sports. i wonder if it bothered him. aly was kind of difficult to see from where we were but she seemed to do really well. i can't believe we've been letting her push a frame around the ice rink every time we've been.

now get up!
this weekend we went to victoria. it was a lot of fun. we didn't really see nikki and aly all day on saturday - they had some very important horsey stuff to do. i'd tell you what it was if any of it made any sense to me. something to do with bit demos and carts? this left toby, colin, sascha and i with a lovely, if chilly, round of mini golf followed by a nice lunch in a tea room. toby and sascha headed out to the range later in day which left me with the tv and some scrapbooking serenity.

climbing the driftwood - they seem to make driftwood bigger in canada
sunday we all headed off to french beach near sooke. i was hoping to spot some grey whales since it was the peak of their migration season but no such luck. we started with a chilly picnic, but by the time we got to the beach it had started to warm up and it was feeling almost summery by the time we left. we had a great time and even found a driftwood shelter someone had kindly made which made a great den.

driftwood den
before getting the ferry home, there was just time for another trail ride for aly and a trip to the range for sascha, toby and i. it was a new[ish] range and to celebrate all range balls were free. i think toby hit about a 100. i was tired after my 35. i was delighted to find it was an automatic range - none of that awful having-to-tee-up-a-ball-yourself :-) did i mention i'm also a very lazy fair weather golfer?
only 9 days until my parents and sister get here. hooray!

skimming (throwing?) stones i'm the worst stone skimmer in the world, but with a little coaching from sascha managed to get one stone to bounce 3 times [just the one mind - i obviously need more practice].
april 1
happy birthday to my ickle baby sister kellie - another year closer to 30 welly jelly kellie :-)
i don't feel special any more. until last week i was yet to see another mazda 5 on the road, but this week i saw 3 of them; and 2 were the same colour as mine. i feel so common!

aly's unique art aly is going through a phase at the moment - for some unknown reason she always writes teen numbers on her pictures. always with an 'i love you' thrown in for good measure. give aly a box of scraps, some scissors and pens and she could spend hours making stuff. i can't wait to go scrapbooking with her :-)
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