when easter baskets were first introduced they were made to look like a bird's nest
more useless facts

.petapatter.by peta
what is a blog?

during the easter season, 600 million marshmallow peeps are bought my americans [the most popular easter candy besides chocolate]

email me:
peta at petawilliams dot com


april, 2007

april 23, 2007

toby at the fair
toby at the fair

we're off on our cruise in a couple of days. my mum and dad arrive on wednesday, then we fly to san francisco on thursday. the ship leaves san francisco on friday then we head to monterey, astoria, seattle, victoria then back to vancouver. we get back on the 4th, then it's aly's disney-themed birthday party on the 6th. needless to say this week is definitely chaotic. there are dentist appointments, hair appointments, a girl guide campfire - oh and some work to fit in! sascha reminded me to make a list when i was starting to panic yesterday which helped a little.

this weekend nikki and her truck full of horse manure paid us a visit to help sort out our garden. we've had 3 poor trees in pots for about 8 months and they finally have a new home along with a variety of other new planty friends. the putting green even has a nice coconut mulch surround to it. there's one more bed to make but we definitely made great progress.

in other news, it was sascha's last day at Electronic Arts today. he has a yet-to-be announced new venture in the works.

april 14, 2007

mural painted by sascha's dad on a tram at the local heritage museum

we went to see meet the robinsons today. it's a pretty good movie all round. unfortunately there were two boys sitting behind us who'd obviously been persuaded by their mom to bring their little sister to see it and were blatantly too old for it and very unappreciative which was a little distracting.

i've had a cold all week so the house is a disaster and there's no food so we had to eat out for every meal except breakfast today. i'm feeling much better now so i really should make an effort to do some grocery shopping tomorrow.

easter basket
aly ready for her easter egg hunt

last weekend was very nice - a long weekend in victoria. the easter bunny had, as usual, prepared an excellent hunt around the garden. he had also had the foresight to write the children a note saying that they should wait until all the grown ups wake up before opening the first clue of the easter hunt but that they could eat a kinder surprise in the meantime. it worked a charm! it was a pretty rainy weekend, but we made it through the egg hunt before the next shower started.

april 6, 2007

oops.. apparently it's april 6th and i hadn't noticed it was a new month. so sorry for the delay. i'm usually unreliable when it comes to updates EXCEPT for the first of the month. it seems i'm now just all around unrealizable.

we had a lovely weekend last weekend. colin [sascha's dad] was over. toby starred in a hockey tournament. he was goalie for the first time and stopped 25 out of 33 shots he informs me. [aly and i opted out - partly because she's hates watching it, partly because we both hate the cold and partly because the game started at 8.15am - anyway, i'm now feeling very guilty about missing it].

after the hockey it was time to go to the opening of our new fire hall. there was a kite making workshop, so the children did that, then we went to the park next to the fire hall to fly them. they worked amazingly well, but it was the perfect day - bright and sunny with just enough wind.

making a kite

toby flying his kite

kite flying

sunday we went to the easter egg hunt at the community centre which was great. it had been a little chaotic in previous years but this year all seemed much more under control and to my relief they didn't have any balloons which aly spent her whole time hiding from in tears last year.

egg hunting

easter cookie

easter cookie

after the egg hunt we went to have a family portrait done for a school founderer. we had to wait for about 20 minutes and the children went a little insane - either tired, bored or both i think - and almost succeeded in destroying the whole place chasing each other while sascha and i were having our photos taken. sigh.. they ended up in big trouble, and a lot of sulking was done by all 4 of us!

it was a very heart warming weekend. we had to stand in a couple of longish lines and seemed to know everyone ahead of us, behind us and anyone joining the queue. the sun was shining, the birds were singing and it was a lovely feeling of belonging.

aly's dream from last night:

i had a dream that the cars from the movie cars were in toby's school in the backyard. the young ones were playing and the grown ups were talking.

lightning mcqueen was watching his robot friend make a palladio race track. lightning mcqueen was helping the king win and the robot also made chick lose and he wrote 'loser' on the top.

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