april, 2008
april 26
kellie and mike came to visit last weekend so we took a look around stanley park in vancouver - saw the totem poles, miniature train and petting zoo (which seems to be home to one of the strangest looking goats you've ever met) and then went to a drive-in restaurant for dinner. i had a day off on monday so kellie, mike and i managed to get in a nice thai lunch before they needed to get to their coach to seattle. they will be travelling around washington and california before coming back up here for a few days in time for aly's birthday.
aly has decided to have her birthday party at the movie theatre which should make my life a lot easier than in previous years when we've always done some elaborate theme at home. my aunt and uncle, di and stewart, will be staying with us for a couple of weeks by then, and dani, who officially moved out at the end of the school year last weekend, might even make it back for the party. we usually count ourselves lucky if one or two family members can make it to a birthday party so i'm really happy. i love big family occassions :-)
april 11
i've done incredibly well with being fed this week. i scrapbooked at connie's on thursday night [while the husbands were out and children played] and i got to stay for a delicious meal [thank u connie]. tonight, i went to scrapbook at renukha's [while the children played] and ended up staying for some great greek food and good company [thank u renukha]. excellent. i could make a habit of this.
i'm now sitting in bed listening to the frog chorus outside my window. i guess it really is spring. i should probably look at doing some gardening this weekend.
we got a new digital slr camera at the end of last week. it's a very early anniversary present to one another [our anniversary is not until july!] but we didn't want a repeat of last year when we both completely forgot our anniversary until my mom reminded me! it's a nikon d60 and very nice too. we've never owned an slr so we're doing a lot of experimenting. results to follow!
we spent the weekend in victoria with sascha's dad and sister, tonya, last weekend. it was very nice, but a little quick. the boys and tonya went to see the salmon kings play hockey which they all enjoyed and we all went to the imax at the BC museum to see a movie about egyptian mummies. aly got to ride her pony a couple of times so everyone was happy.
april 2
so my citizenship test seemed to go ok. i think. i'd say it was really easy but there were a few questions about voting where it clearly stated that you would fail if you didn't get them all correct, which is always enough to make you start doubting the obvious.
as i was complaining to my dear supportive husband today:
"aren't i a bit old for getting teeth?" [i feel like i've been getting my wisdom teeth for at least 10 years now]
sascha very kindly responded: "yes they should start falling out soon."
speaking of getting old. very happy 30th to my little sister who gave me SUCH a hard time when i turned 30 :-)
so for the most part, things get easier the older the children get, but i have to say, the questions get a whole lot harder. in a ten minute period last week i got asked:
"why does rust happen?"
"erm.. it's oxidisation" [apparently not an acceptably specific enough answer]
"why does the mirror go like that after a shower?"
"erm.. it's condensation" [again - not a specific enough answer]
"what is life?"
in this case i was very relieved to discover that the questions referred to life cereal as opposed to the meaning of life. phew!
from our egg hunt over the easter weekend....

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