in malta, chrysanthemums are associated with funerals, making it unlucky to keep the flower indoors
more useless facts Peta
what is a blog?
during the 1600s, tulips were so valuable that their bulbs were worth more than gold

email me:
peta at unblog dot com


april 2010

april 20

happy birthday britt, cyd, lucy and jenna.

zoe, aly, peta
zoe, aly and i at garry point park, richmond

last weekend sascha and i got to spend some time doing what we love to do - saturday it was my turn to scrapbook all day with my mom (and 117 close friends), then sunday, sasch went sailing with andrew. it was very refreshing. it's nice to be able to have a little more freedom now that i've managed to wean zoe down to only 2 breastfeeds a day - one when she wakes up and one going to sleep.

the weekend before we went down to the tulip festival in skagit county, washington state. 20 minute drive to the border - 2.25 hour wait at the border - 20 minute drive to the festival - quick trip to target - dinner at outback steak house - [a much more reasonable] 10 minute wait at the border. the tulips were beautiful and if we get ourselves a nexus pass for skipping those pesky border line-ups we might even go back next year.

aly and toby


sascha and peta



oh - and i forgot the most exciting news of all. at 8.5 years of age toby finally lost his first baby tooth last night. he's very excited about the whole thing, but a little disappointed that he won't be a world record holder for keeping his baby teeth the longest!

toby's missing tooth

april 6

happy birthday little sister :-)

yes, yes. i know - i'm a bit slow off the mark doing an april update. there were 10 people living in the house for the week, and only 2 laptops so screen time was a bit of a luxury! we had a very busy, but very nice week with tonya, britt and cyd [here from calgary] along with my mum and dad [who are here for another 5 weeks yet]. we spent some time at iona beach, they met up with dani in granville island, cyd came with us to the hamilton easter egg hunt and i went to hot yoga with tonya [which was very.. erm... hot and left me wondering WHY HOT??!]

mum cooked us a lovely easter dinner which dani joined us for and we played lots of board games - including one by candlelight in the middle of a power cut. it was like a replay of earth hour from the previous weekend.

back home



