april 2011
april 19
we've been having a lovely time doing some local geocaching. i'm having much more luck now that i'm trying to steer clear of the cache i've never found, which put me off geocaching for the whole of 2010!
crazy weather this week; a very weird mixture of beautiful days with the odd half hour or so of hail slap bang in the middle [despite it still being 9 or 10 degrees]. one minute the mountains are gone, and the next they are back with a fresh layer of snow.
poor sascha is having a difficult time of it lately. he has a new hernia to add to his collection. this one is inaugral, as opposed to hiatal, but unfortunately the two of them are not getting along. the initial consultation appointment won't be until the end of june, with a 6-8 month waitlist for the operation. it's going to be a long year for him [and for me since he can't lift anything - including zoe or the trash!]
in my last entry i forgot to mention how great the flight home from the uk was [well - as good as a 10hr flight can be]. it was a klm plane rather than the delta code share we got on the way over. this meant some delicious [that's right - delicious] wheat-free food, as well as shiny new entertainment seatback systems which actually worked for the entire flight [no random bits of other movies showing up in the middle of the one you're trying to watch when they finally get something working 3 hours in!]. sascha reminded me of a long, and always disappointing, history of us flying with delta. thank god for klm!
the other day [i can't remember what for] i said:
"good girl zoe."
"you good lady" says zoe to me. then she looked at me quizzical and asked
"you a lady mommy?"
"yes, i'm a lady" i said.
"ok, good" says zoe, and went about her day.
april 1
well the wedding was well worth the trip. pauline looked wonderful and everything went very smoothly. the beautiful details were well worth all the planning!
i managed to miraculously avoid jet lag in either direction by not napping after the flight. on the way to the uk this was particularly tricky since you lose a night's sleep. anyway, it was well worth the effort and i'm going aim to do it every time. aly was not so fortunate on the way there. i think it will be a while before the children are old enough to manage without napping once they get there.
it's been great to come back to a week of spring break and no work. i've had a chance to spend some quality time with the children i abandoned. fortunately, zoe seems to have forgiven me [she was sulking when we skyped]. we went swimming and to the new playground at school, but other than that it's been a lovely relaxing week. monday morning we're back to school and work - it's going to be a bit of a shock to the system!

kellie and i fitted in a quick garam rufa pedicure before the wedding - very weird - all those fin flapping wiggly fish between your toes!
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