april 2012
april 24
it's been a stressful couple of weeks - more work than normal, more packing/lawyers than normal, less help than normal. i'm really torn between wanting it all to be over and be settled [together again] in kelowna for 6 months and wanting to cling to the last 2 months here for dear life. zoe has finally figured out that sascha doesn't live at the airport [with grammy and grandad] but when we dropped him off last time she shouted 'i'll miss you dad' and when the car door shut she turned to me and said 'dad must like work a LOT'.
on the positive side, sascha thinks he may have found us a rental home in kelowna, we sign the papers for the house sale on friday [which goes through on monday], sascha's car finally got towed by the insurance company to be auctioned off, i've made a lot of progress on packing, dani and toryn got engaged last week and my sister and mike arrived the day after tomorrow.
as a complete aside, i've been in a bit of a daze the past few days as i've plowed through the hunger games trilogies, only pausing to work and sleep! what fantastic books. i haven't decided if i want to see the movie though - there seems to be a lot of vomiting according to the books!
april 10
the subjects were removed on our house sale yesterday, so it looks like it will no longer be ours come april 30th. we will be renting it back from the buyer for may and june though fortunately. it's a big relief to get it sorted out. now it's time to start looking at schools/home schooling/rental properties in kelowna for 6 months or so.
easter was fun. we made chocolate rice krispie nests, drew faces on our hard boiled eggs [much less messy than the usual egg dyeing!] and toby and zoe found chocolate eggs dotted around the house - i swear zoe is now better at finding things than toby is.

aly was away in victoria for the long weekend [and found chocolate eggs in with the duck and chicken eggs when she went egg collecting on the farm on easter morning!].

i definitely missed aly being around - i didn't realize how much time she spends on imaginative play with zoe. it's hard work being a doctor/disneyland guest/mom/baby/cat!
the weather was fantastic all weekend. we even managed to do our first geocache of the year. i also had the opportunity to spend time on my new addictions - angry birds space and pinterest. i had looked at pinterest about 6 months ago and it didn't really capture my interest, but i was at a social media workshop last month and they were talking about its popularity. this led me to investigate it again with a view to using it for work. as it happens, i didn't think it was that appropriate for work, but in the process got completely absorbed by it. i have such a bad memory, that i love the idea of having all these 'boards' for ideas/product which catch my eye so that i don't instantly forget them!
by the way, as i write my husband is [unforgivably] at california adventure for the evening without us. he claimed to have needed to somewhere to eat on his way from LA to san diego. a likely excuse!
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