april 15
we had a lovely visit with the adams family as soon as we got back from holiday in california. they spend a week with us, including the easter weekend. we did some geocaching, spent some time at the beach in some unseasonably warm weather and made a trip to kangaroo creek farm to play with the baby wallaby's and emus.

we finally had a couple of doctor appointments for zoe about headaches she's been having almost daily for a couple of years. they're not too painful and pass within about 20 minutes but are still a worry. after seeing the family doctor, her first appointment was with a physio to see if there might be a neck issue. she was the least cooperative she could have possibly been and tried to make a dash back out the door [which was very out of character]. we barely managed to trick her into doing a few head movements and walking a few steps, but he figured there probably wasn't a problem. after the physio, i was dreading the next appointment that afternoon with a pediatrician. instead of surprising her with it i tried some different tactics [which MAYhave included some bribery and/or threats] and she was like a completely different child. she was pleasant, polite and did everything he asked of her immediately! i don't know whether it was the doctor's office [which was a small, cosy heritage home with beautiful children's toys, the doctor himself, or the bribery but what a relief! anyway, he sent of a photo of the birthmark on her face to a specialist to ensure that it isn't indicative of anything and also ordered an MRI which will take half an hour and involve her being fully sedated to check for any vascular problems. it'll probably be a couple of months before they can get that organized but at least i know we have something underway finally.
after swearing i would never do it again, i seem to have completely overwhelmed myself with activities. toby is in soccer [for the first time] and swim classes, i'm in golf lessons [which are great], aly is at gymnastics and pathfinders and zoe is in gymnastics. between the activities, volunteering for some stuff at school and seemingly endless doctor/pediatrician/dentist/orthodontic appointments and contract work, i feel swamped. thank goodness colin has been with us for a few months or i'd have no hope of fitting it all in.
speaking of colin, he and i have been working on a minecraft mural in toby's room. it's been a lot of fun, but a lot more work than either of us expected! photos to follow...
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