first, i just want to say get well soon to my poor little sister kellie who has a broken pelvis and various other bumps, bruises and scraps after someone ran her over a couple of days ago :-( to make matters worse she can only get around if she uses a zimmer frame which she's not very impressed with at all.
i've started adding dates to my entries because i'm addicted to a couple of other blogs and realised it would really bother me if they didn't have dates. i'm very pleased that lara is back on her feet, back from the uk and back on the web now that little jody is a couple of months old because i was really missing her highly entertaining updates to of course, her updates are now a couple of times a week instead of everyday but i'll let her off. dani has just started limabeanblog and is a little sporadic with her updates so i appreciate having a date reference so i don't loose my place!
anyway, what have we been up to?.. a trip to ikea, a trip to the mall to pick up a film from my 4-lens camera. [i was very relieved to see that 17 of the 24 photos turned out since it's a very strange camera and the wind-on dial snapped off as i was rewinding the film :-( ]
the kids and i went on a disasterous bus trip to a family place summer party [with an odd drummer-guy], a committee meeting, and a great kids festival.
two cute recent dream quotes from aly:
'mommy i had a beautiful dream - it was about grammy and grandad'
'i had a dream last night. it was about soap. it was a good dream'.
of course this last one did follow an episode a couple of nights prior where she had left her room after being put to bed and had quietly covered the entire bathroom, herself, her hair and her cuddly dog in a pasty mixture of foam soap and really thick diaper rash cream. lovely :-) i have a feeling that in her dream nobody really minded and she didn't get sent to her room.
did i mention how much parenting has done for my patience?
august 13th
canadian place names are bizarre [when they're not copying british place names that is]. sascha's been drinking kokanee beer over the last few days so i asked him where it was made since i'd never heard of it before.
'kokanee?' he said.
'i think it's from the kootenays in okanagan'.
'is that near ogopogo?' i said.
he was quick to explain that ogopogo is actually the monster rumored to live in lake okanagan. silly me. [apparently my knowledge of nearby stupid place names still needs some work].
ok, back to more normal life... dani, nikki and the roys stayed with us [or in their trailer in our parking lot] for a couple of nights. they went to cirque de soleil and we all went to a richmond splash park and played in the pool in our apartment complex.
we then spent a long weekend in victoria with sascha's parents, sisters, and 3 nieces [and of course 4 dogs, 2 horses, one cat, many birds etc. etc.] CHAOS. but fun. we were only missing pete but managed to hook up a video conference with him so he didn't miss everything.
i played some par 3 golf with dani, bart and sascha which was wonderful and VERY relaxing and also played some much less relaxing but more entertaining miniature golf with everyone. aly lost interest after the 2nd hole and instead made friends with a large rock ['rocky' as she liked to call him]. toby the golf maniac on the other hand got the hang of the rules at about the 4th and was almost making pars by the end of the round. he wasn't terribly keen on sharing the holes with anyone else unfortunately! he went to bed that night saying 'golf ball. all gone. golf ball. all gone' - still devastated that the balls disappeared on the 18th hole!
dani has somewhat begrudgingly jumped on the blog band wagon with her LimaBeanBlog which looks like it will be very useful for my blog when i forget what we've been doing recently. she says she feels like she has divorced parents because she's been spending so many weekends with us lately!
august 1st
well, it's happened, i've written up my first set of vancouvery committee meeting minutes. i just can't help myself! they're for a wonderful place called the richmond family place where we seem to live these days. it's like taking the children to school tues-thurs except a little higher maintenance since i have to stay!
dani is coming over to visit on saturday so we can go to the big ikea sale together [hooray! - we love to do christmas shopping as early as possible]
these photos were taken when the children found a sprinkler outside our apartment building one morning. i told them they could play in it if it was still there when we got home and sure enough... unfortunately toby found that he could dig up mud and managed to splatter himself, me and aly so it was straight into the shower afterwards!
aly and the sprinkler
toby and the mud!
blog comment of the month:
it came to me in a flash... i don't actually like proper holidays. the thought of spending 2 weeks in the same place [with the exception of disney] terrifies me.