canada has 5.5 time zones - newfoundland is half an hour ahead of pacific time
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ethnic groups in canada include british 28%, french 23%, other european 15%, north american indian 2%, other, mostly Asian, African, Arab 6%, mixed 26%
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peta at petawilliams dot com


august, 2006

august 25

congratulations to left arrowdave and octavia on the birth of iona who is very very cute

i have photos up from last weekend's work BBQ at our place which was a lot of fun. it's amazing how many people work there when you get everyone together - everyone's usually so busy with different work days and different work locations.

i'm taking the kids to victoria this weekend because aly is in her first horse show. nikki keeps explaining to me what she will be doing but 90% has gone over my head.

sascha is working 6 or 7-day workweeks at the moment but by the end of september his projects will be pretty much over and we're aiming to do a 4-day cruise together to catch up! this will be his last year on NBA live. once he has finished NBA Live for the XBox and PS3, he'll be moving to the downtown office to work on need for speed - much more my sort of game :-)

august 16

toby riding his bike

the big news is that toby can ride a 2 wheel bike. thank goodness it only took a day for him to learn - i don't think my back could have taken any more. aly is fine on one training wheel but has decided to have a go without any now that she's seen toby, so watch this space! i don't know - teeth dropping out, 2 wheelers. where have my babies gone!

we had a nice weekend. debbie and brianna were over from nanaimo and stayed with us on saturday night. on sunday i did the right parenty thing and took aly to a horse show even though i don't know the difference between straw and hay let alone the difference between horses and ponies. we also squeezed in a multicultural festival, trip to the library and dinner with sascha [unfortunately he had to go straight back to work afterwards]

playing on the new playset in the backyard

i had a delightful surprise last night when i overheard toby telling sascha on the phone that he'd brought home a worm in his lunchbox as a friend for gary the snail. sure enough, there was said worm [looking a little unhealthy by this point] - right next to the smouldering banana toby hadn't bothered to eat. the funniest thing was trying to explain to toby why bringing home worms in his lunchbox wasn't the best idea. i still don't think he has the faintest clue what my problem is with it!

august 10

so i'm in need of some sponsors for a sponsored walk i'm doing with work in september. it's for a united way initiative that helps children ages 0 to 6 get a good start in life - oh - and the staff member who gets the most sponsorship gets a paid day off work so it's very very important. left arrowsponsor me!

the kids had a fantastic time on their respective trips away. sounds like aly got 24hr a day entertainment with debbie and brianna in nanaimo and toby played many many different types of golf in victoria [as well as falling in a pond!]. i think all of the babysitters will be pleased of the rest from them this week! the kids came back down to earth with a bit of a cranky bump. aly is still trying to catch up on the sleep she missed. last night i went to tell her to get ready for bed and she was fast asleep in her bed at 7.30pm. i still had to wake her up the next morning after 8am.

the big news is that aly lost her first tooth while she was gone. she was born a hoarder so is not going to give any of her teeth up to the tooth fairy [which she's very sceptical about anyway]. works out well for me.

did mention that we have a pet? gary the snail. after 2 nasty falls resulting in various dents and holes and a 4 day escape in toby's room [i eventually found him at the end of toby's bed when i was changing the sheets!] he's doing remarkably well to survive.

how did we come to have a pet snail?... who could say no to 2 kids in floods of tears because they would miss him so much if they had to put him back in the garden. i told toby i'd check on the internet about keeping snails as a pet. voila! the glass bowl i once used for fragrant floating candles was been converted to a snail garden. aah - life with kids. toby later said "it's great that internet isn't it!"

august 1

the kids go away this week. aly has already gone to her friend brianna's house in nanaimo [a couple of hours away on the ferry]. we will meet up with them in victoria this weekend. toby goes to victoria on wednesday morning so he will get his own mini-vacation by himself.

as for me? i think i'm fighting off a virus so i hope i win and don't have to spend all my new found freedom in bed! i'm hoping to go with sascha to the festival of lights in vancouver on wednesday evening to see what all the fuss is about. it's a big fireworks competition where different countries compete over a 2 week period. aly HATES fireworks so we've never even been able to consider it. thousands and thousands of people pack onto the beaches. i'm hoping to go somewhere a little further out and hopefully a little less chaotic if possible. after than i'm hoping there's some scrapbooking in my future before we head to victoria on saturday to reunite with the little ones.

i finished my vomit phobia therapy last week. well - finished until we see how well i deal with the next major incident. i'm feeling as optimistic as one can about vomit! it has definitely been money well spent whatever happens, because i'm already so much more calm day to day thinking about it [which i do a lot less] or if anything comes on tv.

back home



