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august, 2007

august 27

toby firmly beating me at monopoly. note all my mortgaged properties.....

...and his smug grin/piles of cash

aly asked me to put country music on the radio as we were getting in the car the other day. how has she even come to know what country music is? that's north america for you i guess. i remember when i first moved to california being horrified at being subjected to 6 hours of non-stop country in a scrapbook store because that's what everyone wanted to listen [and sing along] to. almost all of my friends there liked country music and the majority in canada do to. it's just so… mainstream here. it's virtually unheard of in the uk and very uncool. in fact, my dad's the only english country music fan I think I know.

maybe it's time to lighten up and give it a chance. after all - can all those people [including aly and all my friends] really be wrong? [as I write this my sister will be horrified and will send me an urgent email recalling me back to the uk ASAP!]

i watched someone getting pulled over for speeding today. the cop that pulled them over was driving an old minivan with a LEARNER PLATE on it. hiding behind a bush with a radar gun is one thing, but a learner plate is really not cricket is it? i'm outraged.

and just because you're all fascinated i'm sure…. in left arrowpuzzle pirates news, acematey [my pirate alter-ago] has switched allegiances. i got fed up of my crew [lovely though they were]. i think we must have been on different time zones or something because they were never ready for a good pillage when I was. my new crew is also very nice [i always select a crew based on how polite the captain is] and there's at least one person on the crew who is a parent and another who has a job. they are generally complaining about homework, it being their brothers turn on the computer, having to help their mom with the shopping etc. etc. anyway, the captain has promised to make me an officer as long as i improve my gunning [i'm a grand-master bilger and master sailor/carpenter but sadly only an 'able' gunner]. as tim guest so aptly puts it in left arrowsecond lives "who had the time to lead two lives? i barely had time to live one."

august 18, 2007

my mum tried bubble tea for the first time today [to add to her list of 60 new things she's done in her 60th year]. bubble tea for anyone who hasn't had the pleasure is a cold, coloured, milky fluid with brown wobbly bits ['the pearls'] at the bottom. we think the brown wobbly bits might be tapioca related. anyway this was the result:

bubble tea taste
wow.. that's unique

it didn't get finished by anyone. a unique experience anyway.

i completely forget to mention last week's huge news that aly finally decided [and succeeded] to learn to ride a 2-wheeler:

aly on her bike
very proud

it's like potty training all over again - she point blank refused to do it until she was ready. [in this case when she watched her best friend, brianna, learn to ride while she was camping with her!] within an hour she was off and running very happily. now i've just got to figure out how to keep up with the 2 of them on my rollerblades!

we head off to saltspring island tomorrow to relive sascha's youth. photos to follow.

lastly, just for nikki, here's how the nasturtiums you, aly and jenna planted are doing...


august 12, 2007

well my mom finally arrived 3.5 hrs late! and unfortunately was greeted with the news that sasch and i would be working all day saturday [the next day]!

i'd been dreading working. i don't cope well when i don't get a full weekend but it wasn't so bad. i was manning a booth at a festival and knew lots of people at the festival which was nice. i went to pick up my mum and the children half way through the day so they spent the last few hours there. we lost toby at one point but only for a few minutes and he claims he never left the playground so what can you say.

had a lovely day today. we never left the house, but the children went to play at jenna and justin's house for a long long time which meant my mum and i could get some scrapbooking done. yippee!

august 1, 2007

i've just uploaded photos of angie and ricky's wedding, our trip to the coquitlam 7-Eleven [which was converted to the simpson's kwik-e-mart in honour of the movie coming out] and our camping trip to miracle beach on vancouver island.

much as i'm not a camper, it was a very nice trip to miracle beach where we met up with the rapanos family, the adams family, friends we made 2 years ago and 2 new families. i think there were 10 children and 10 adults at last count. aly had been staying there all week and was definitely not ready to come home and toby was desperate to stay longer. due to our hopeless lack of project management skills once we leave work, we left booking a ferries a little bit late so we arrived fairly late on friday evening and had to leave first thing on sunday but it was great to catch up with everyone, play on the beach and toast marshmallows.

miracle beach

miracle beach

miracle beach

i said i would talk a bit more about angie's wedding. the daytime weddingy bit was beautiful. angie looked fantastic and the cake was the nicest i think i've ever seen.


the evening dinner was at kirin seafood restaurant and the evening had begun with much mah jong playing. by the time i arrived, it was time for the 10-course spectacular with entertainment between courses. there was the eating-raisins-from-the-men's-raisin-bun-bikinis, the newlywed game, the arrival of the suckling pigs [the head pig had glowing red eyes], the golden pig draw, the bigger golden pig draw etc etc . the food was fascinating and included black moss, pigeon, hairy melon, shark fin soup, the skin of the suckling pigs [no meat] and sea cucumber. i think i tried everything. we were on a table of people from work with representatives from korea, the philipines, china, england and south america and it was very interesting to hear who was familiar with what food.

the goody bags were a surprise - the meat from the suckling pigs to take home. angie very very kindly also gave janice and i some of the beautiful wedding orchids to take home. a great night was had by all.

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