the weight of the anchors on disney cruise ships are 14 tons
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disney cruise ships can distill 1,200 tons of fresh water each day from sea water
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august, 2008

august 19

we got back from a lovely weekend in qualicum beach with sascha's dad yesterday. it's a long time since i've had a beach holiday of any description. the children had a great time collecting crabs. i was a little disappointed that nobody would build sandcastles with me but that's ok. we went to parksville to check out the professional sand sculptures instead. we had a fantastic time on some squirting bumper boats which was a great way to cool off after a round of mini-golf. i don't think i've ever got so wet on a ride!

on the way back from qualicum we dropped aly off with her friend, brianna, in nanaimo. She will be staying there for a week until they take her back to victoria to stay with nikki and colin for the rest of august. we then dropped toby and colin back in victoria where toby will be for a week. he's not quite so into mucking out horses as his sister, so a week should be plenty of time for him.

needless to say, this is a very weird week for sascha and i. even though we are only childless for weekdays, we're trying to make the most of the time because it's unlikely to happen again for a very long time with a baby on the way.

speaking of babies. i was getting toby to feel my stomach the other day while the baby was wriggling around. he asked afterwards whether he should wash his hands. "what do you think i am? a dog??" was my outraged reply.

august 4

it was so nice to see all our old friends in ventura while we were away - in fact some new friends who had been born since our last visit. the children had a great time playing with everyone in the ocean and on the beach. it's funny and very comforting to step back into your old life. thanks to marcia for letting everyone descend on her house for a BBQ.

so anyway, i don't think i ever mentioned officially that i'm pregnant?! zoe is due december 9. hopefully she won't be as late as the other two so that i have time to get out of hospital in time to make christmas dinner. christmas cards may be a little late this year!


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