the abbreviation 'xmas' for the word christmas is of greek origin. since the word for christ is xristos in greek, which starts with the letter "x", they started putting the x in place of 'christ' more useless facts
once again, only time for a very quick update. the williams christmas was great and unusually VERY traditional! [even including some carol singing]. sascha and i got lots of lovely presents. the children received a ridiculous number of presents. among other gifts, sascha got me a very nice 'sort-of' present - in fact another cell/mobile phone. he actually bought me one last christmas but forgot to let me use it for the past 12 months :-) i've already had a great deal of fun spending my scrapbooking gift certificate and testing out lots of other scrapbooking related presents.
aly's favourite toy was a cuddly little mermaid [her favourite character] and toby's was a hot wheels mcdonald's drive-thru - 2 of his favourite things in the world rolled into one great gift from a very insightful santa.
we're now back in richmond, very briefly, to move house for 2 days before heading back to victoria for new year and the roy family visit [the only williams family members who didn't manage to make it across in time for christmas]. that should be chaotic, but a lot of fun.
sascha tried to start moving tonight, but just as he was just leaving the highway for our new place, there was an explosion involving lots of blue sparks and smoke just behind our complex and all the power for that part of town was cut. this is really not helpful when you only have an automatic garage door! fingers crossed for tomorrow. our moves always seem to be a little too eventful.
my new year's resolution?
december 23[!]
a DISGRACEFUL lack of blogging going on this month but I do have several plausible excuses - flu for a week, long journey to california, having too much fun catching up with the venturians, a day at disney, loading our stuff, even longer [eventful] journey [37hrs] back from california, unloading at the new apartment, packing for christmas in victoria - oh and a bit of christmas shopping/wrapping. having said all that, lara managed to keep HER blog admirably up to date, despite moving across an ocean just before christmas.
if i get distracted and don't manage to update before, merry christmas to everyone and i promise to do some proper updating with photos soon. xxxx
december 1
well, not much to report. i did make a late update to the november page with all our news. we're just looking forward to our trip to california. thinking about starting to pack for our move and trying to squeeze in a bit of christmas shopping here and there.
as you can see, aly and toby finally got to meet santa [we went to see charlotte diamond welcome santa at the other mall in richmond but there were way too many children waiting to meet him that day so we went to the other mall midweek].
aly and i have just been to see 'disney on ice' at gm place in vancouver which was surprisingly cheap and very entertaining. aly behaved wonderfully on the skytrain and for the half hour wait [when she only wanted to sit in our seats and refused to let us get up and look around the shops] - she did however eat most of a box of popcorn approximately 75% of her height! she then sat very quietly on me for the entire first half [she landed there after the first firework went off!] she did have her ears covered the whole time due to the loud music and occasional fireworks here and there but thoroughly enjoyed it and was very excited when her favourite princess - ariel - appeared. for the second half she was much more wriggly, but since we bought our tickets late on the web, we were right at the back and had a whole row to ourselves so a little wriggling didn't bother anyone else. Apparently ali baba's elephant was her favourite thing of the whole show. she's very good at taking all new experiences very calmy and quietly - maybe it was all that world travelling we did in the first year of her life!
yesterday we took sascha to the family place for the first time [they do a saturday morning session]. we all had a great time - especially me [ i enjoyed sharing the trips to the washroom etc.] the saturday session also seems to be a lot quieter than the ones during the week which makes things even more relaxed than normal.
aly latest quotes:
'bertuzzi is the best hockey player in the whole world.' we can only assume, therefore, that her auntie nikki has managed to turn her into a cannucks fan under the not-so-watchful-eye of her dad and uncle peter [both die hard flames fans].
'MOMMY look - that car's made of wood!' [regarding an old station wagon with wood panelling along the side].