so, 5 days and counting until we leave for the uk so this will be my last blog posting until new year. in honour of our trip, we're busy trying to get all our coughs and colds out of the way. zoe brought a lovely cold home from playgroup and is spreading it around the family. it doesn't help that her kisses at the moment involve diving towards you with her mouth wide open. sascha and i were the first victims, but aly and toby both seem a little sniffly. we've all had flu and swine flu shots this year, so it IS only a cold. like i say - we'll all be perfectly healthy by the time we have to fly :-)
i think my daycare situation has been sorted out. the lady 3 doors down from me is starting a daycare and has a little girl a few months younger than zoe so the girls should have fun together.
it's early christmas [plus zoe and colin's birthday celebrations] with sascha's side of the family tomorrow. hopefully this means we don't have to take anything TOO big to the uk. i know the beautiful ikea kitchen we got for zoe wasn't going to be coming with us!
to help my parents, and anyone one else who might be interested in trying to figure out what zoe is trying to tell them with her baby signs, we made a quick video with a few of her signs. there are now many many more than this (brush, book, roll, car, hair, build, dog, hear, airplane, drink, bath, toothbrush, fall down - cleverly used the other day with brush. apparently brush plus fall down plus flinging the brush across the room means 'we've finished brushing my hair now') but these are the ones she uses a lot:
i can't believe it's almost been a year since the beautiful, quiet, snowy december morning when zoe was born. if the pregnancy bit wasn't such a nightmare, i might be tempted to do it all again!
december 1
congratulations to dave and octavia on the birth of their baby girl.
i heard the following conversation the other day while aly and toby were watching a commercial for the DSi.
aly: ooh glad i'm saving up for one for those.
toby: you're not really aly
aly: I AM..well I'm trying to anyway
they had a point. so far aly's record of money saved is 2 weeks pocket money. unfortunately something crucial came up and she had to spend it all! who knows - maybe santa will bail her out.
i'd forgotten how dangerous/painful fishing mystery items out of a baby's mouth can be! it's amazing how often in my week this happens despite my best efforts. i think the most shining example was [aly's] small piece of pyrite. it's amazing that babies survive babyhood at all. the poor little thing has a cold and is all snivelly and pathetic today. hopefully she's getting it out of the way before we go to england and NOT passing it along to the rest of us.