we went skiing at cypress mountain at the weekend. despite barely being able to move on sunday [obviously many muscles which hadnt seen the light of day since skiing last year], it was a fantastic day. we put the children in a lesson when we first got there which was really nice because it meant sascha and i had a chance to check out the smallest green run to see what we were in for with the children. toby was completely fearless and just launched himself down the hill which was fun if a little worrying, whereas aly spent a lot of time making sure she was in complete control before she would go for it. once she did however, she was much better able to handle the bigger of the green runs. snow ploughing down the slopes after small children has got to be about the best leg workout you could ever hope for!
we've just booked ourselves onto a disney cruise to mexico in july for 7 days which i'm very excited about. i'm also hoping for a day or 2 at disneyland and pinning my hopes on seeing a few friends from california along the way [hopefully they'll read this and get in touch ;-p ]
february 12, 2008
aly and i went to richmond's winter festival at the weekend. ironically it was the first time in ages that there wasn't snow on the ground, but not to worry - they shipped some in for the occasion. aly had a great time. the highlight for me was when aly was talking to a 20 year old guy who she knew [aly knows everyone]. he was volunteering on the bouncy castle and they were chatting about him volunteering and he said she could volunteer when she was older. "yeah" said aly "and if you're still alive we could volunteer together". he was suitably amused!
the weekend before last i went to sensational suppers with a couple of friends. it's a store front with lots of kitchen stations set up. you gather up all the bits you need for a number of meals, take them home, stick them in the freezer and then you have all these beautiful, tasty, healthy meals ready to go. it makes me feel all housewifey. now that we have bbc canada i'm addicted to perfect housewife. what's not to love about anthea turner and her handy hints on getting rid of those pesky furniture dents in the carpet. so i guess my cheating meals are a step closer to me and my ultimate goal of becoming a perfect housewife [ha!].
february 3, 2008
aly, toby, jenna and justin
the snow is finally melting. i don't think we've seen this much snow in vancouver since moving here almost 5 years ago. the majestic mountains have reappeared in all their glory. we're trying to squeeze a skiing trip in amongst toby's hockey games and practices which isn't proving easy. the nearest ski run is only about 30 minutes away so we really should get there at least a few times each year. sascha and i are wondering about buying ourselves some skiis. it doesn't really seem worth it for the children for the number of times we go. but i quite fancy having my own snuggly pair of ski boots instead of renting old manky ones.