february 2009
february 23
we've been having a lovely time with kellie and mike [far too busy to be unblogging!]. so far we've been to the aquarium, castle fun park and bloedel conservatory as well as going out for various meals. zoe has been very good when we're out as she's usually asleep. unfortunately that means she's not as good as normal at home. we had a couple of nights of 7 hours sleep at one point, but she seems to have gone back to the more usual 3hrs at a time.
nikki arrived yesterday and joined us at the conservatory today before heading off to a writers panel downtown. it's lovely to have all that extra help.
february 11

big yawn

me - madly in love!
it's proving to be a very sibling month. nikki popped in for a couple of days last week, peter just left today [he was here on his way back from the grammys in LA - the big show-off!], kellie and mike arrive for 11 days next week and nikki is back again somewhere in there! it's like buses - you wait and wait and then 3 come at once!

peter and zoe sharing a joke!
i went to the olympic oval with toby on a school field trip on monday and actually got to skate around the oval. last time i was way too pregnant for that sort of thing. toby was timing me so i was going as fast as i could [it was still taking me about a minute longer than it was taking toby and i had a stroller for balance!] i used muscles that hadn't been used for a very long time. it was really really good fun though and it made me want to get out on my roller blades with the jogging stroller asap.

finally, in breaking news, aly and toby both changed their first dirty diaper this week. i'm feeling very very fortunate to have such willing helpers and am a little surprised the novelty of their little sister hasn't worn off yet.

aly and jenna on their way to the 'snowflake ball' - a huge ball for all the brownies in richmond
february 1

zoe is now 6 weeks old and is starting to sleep and wake in bigger chunks rather than a 15 minutes awake/30 minutes asleep schedule during the day. this is a big help with managing to actually accomplish something in the day. she's also sleeping well in her car seat during the day. it was a definite no-no in the uk when aly was a baby to let your child sleep for hours on end scrunched up in their car seat, but the health nurse seems perfectly happy with the idea so i'm happy to go along with her!
i had a lovely time at dani's baby shower at work. dani looked great and i'm looking forward to her having her baby so zoe can meet her first playdate friend. it was nice to visit family place again - it's very strange to go somewhere everyday and then suddenly stop going. it's great that pretty much everyone there has dedicated their life to working with children and families. it's never stressful and there are plenty of babysitters to go around - it was the most relaxing afternoon i'd had in a while. i don't think i held zoe once, and although i could hear aly and toby in the playroom, they were VERY happy playing with their new found best friends because debbie and anna had also brought their children who are around the same age!

as i was making my january 2009 blog archive page [yes - i'm still in the dark ages manually making pages!], i noticed this paragraph at the end of january 2008:
"i have 2 new year's resolutions -
- to update my blog once a week instead of 3 times a month [i'm after all that google sense advertising money you know!]
- to wear earrings every weekday.
...my wearing-makeup-everyday resolution for 2007 has stuck in my effort to wean myself off 'i've just had a baby slobbery' 6 years after my last baby was born!"
hmmm - well i'm not sure i managed more than 3 times a month and i'm back in the full swing of baby slobbery - especially since my yoga pants are the only normal-person clothes that fit properly! oh well - i'm sure it'll be my resolution again in another 6 or so years.
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