every year around 1 billion valentine cards are sent across

by peta
what is a blog?

the city of verona receives about 1,000 letters every year sent to juliet on valentine's day

email me:
peta at petawilliams dot com


february, 2010

february 14

figure skating practice

the figure skating practice on saturday was amazing. i didn't really have any expectations but it was a fabulous experience. we arrived towards the end of the pairs practice and then saw the men's practice. there was just something very magical about being in the arena and getting a glimpse behind the scenes of the olympic preparation. i've no idea how they manage not to collide with so many people flinging themselves in the air at once! unfortunately, sascha's dad has shingles and couldn't make it to the practice, but dani's friend marvin, who is a huge figure skating fan, was staying with us and came along instead.

figure skating practice

sascha, dani, nikki and aly then headed off to watch the canadian women's hockey team beat slovakia 18-0 before going to the celebration site in yale town.

canada v slovakia

aly at canada v slovakia

today, aly, dani and i headed back to the ozone in richmond to see what we missed at the opening on friday evening when aly's choir sang.

cranberry filled olympic logo
the cranberry filled olympic logo from the top of the ferris wheel

cranberries at city hall
aly admiring the cranberries at city hall

february 11

phew...it's very very very busy. i'm usually pretty good about not over-scheduling the children, but was pushing my luck adding in some swimming classes twice a week [for both children] and a filmmaking class for aly [in addition to the ongoing hockey 2-3 times a week and guides once a week]. i had NOT factored in the mayhem of the olympics.

speaking of which, tonight, aly [and 3,500 of her fellow choir members] had a 4 hour rehearsal at the olympic celebration site in richmond and toby had a swim class. tonight, we needed to help toby assemble his 20 valentines, alter aly's Olympic choir uniform, prepare healthy snacks for 2 valentine's class parties tomorrow [cheese will have to do] and get red and white clothing out for aly and toby for their run with the olympic torch [which their lovely principal, al sakai, ran with earlier in the week].

al sakai running with the torch

tomorrow means early pickup for both children so we can take aly to the ozone again and we'll all stay at the site to watch the celebrations this time. saturday, zoe is in daycare while we watch a figure skating practice downtown, then toby is going to a hockey game with sascha's dad...and so on and so on. it's going to be fun, but quite possibly the busiest 2 weeks of my life!

february 7

it's been a very olympic weekend. it began with confirmation from VANOC that both sascha and dani have been selected to run with the paralympic torch in whistler in march. VERY exciting :-)

sascha's dad was over with us for the weekend and we spent the day exploring steveston on saturday - we started with the very unusual village of <-finn slough - a nearly untouched fishing village who's only access is a very rickety drawbridge [which comes complete with a cross-at-your-own-risk disclaimer!], then afternoon tea at the <-london heritage farm and some quick shopping in the village.

sunday we took the canada line to downtown vancouver to get a sneak peak at a couple of the country pavilions which had opened early. we took the new olympic tramline into granville island and ate at the house of switzerland [who had tradgically run out of chocolate the day before!] then took an aquabus over to the roundhouse in yaletown to see the italian pavillion. we finished off at the ice rink at robson square. a great [but exhausting] time was had by all!

house of switzerland
house of switzerland

italy house
italy house

aly at robson square
aly at robson square

olympic poster
there are some BIG olympic posters downtown!

i have a really nice baby signing kit called 'sign, sing, and play' by monica z. briant which includes some apparently indestructable [despite zoe's best efforts] flash cards. zoe likes to play with the cards and test me on my signs! it was while she was waving these cards at me the other day, that i started to wonder just how many signs she knew. i guessed around 30, but thought it would be interesting for me [and helpful for her childminder, jen] if i had a list of signs she knew and could sign. i used a list on a great site: <-www.signwithme.com and the words below are the ones she knows. [*means she doesn't yet sign them]

  1. Airplane
  2. Baby
  3. Ball
  4. Bath
  5. Bear*
  6. Bed
  7. Bird
  8. Blanket
  9. Boat
  10. Book
  11. Bubbles*
  12. Build
  13. Butterfly
  14. Car
  15. Cat
  16. Clean
  17. Cold
  18. Cookie
  19. Cow
  20. Dog
  21. Down*
  22. Drink
  23. Duck
  24. Eat
  25. Fall Down
  26. Fan
  27. Finished
  28. Fish
  29. Flower
  30. Gentle*
  31. Goodbye/Hello
  32. Hat
  33. Hear
  34. Help Me
  35. Horse
  36. Hot
  37. I Love You*
  38. Ice Cream
  39. Lights Off
  40. Milk* [actually she'll sign milk to other people, just not me - she prefers to launch herself at me!]
  41. More
  42. Mouse
  43. Music
  44. Pain*
  45. Pig*
  46. Please*
  47. Read*
  48. Sad*
  49. Sheep*
  50. Shoes
  51. Socks
  52. Soft*
  53. Stars*
  54. Sun
  55. Swing*
  56. Telephone
  57. Thank You
  58. Toothbrush
  59. Up*
  60. Water

it would appear that she knows quite a few more than 30!

february 1

carrying teddy carrying an airplane

now that zoe has got walking down, she's taken to walking/staggering around the house with the largest/heaviest items she can manage to carry. she's a strange little being. [she's signing 'plane' in the photo of her with the airplane by the way.]

how is it that babies can always find more and more imaginative ways to try and kill themselves? i turned around in the kitchen the other day to find that zoe had pushed our 2-step step stool across the room, over to the counter, climbed up and had her hand on a box of eggs [she has a thing for eggs - maybe because they look like balls?]. needless to say, the step stool now stays out of the way.

olympic fever is ramping up. only 2 weeks to go. i've never seen sascha so excited. aly is in the richmond olympic choir which means she performs at one of the 3 official olympic celebration sites. i haven't seen any of her rehearsals so i'm looking forward to finally seeing her in action.


