february 2011
february 22
long time no blog.. again.. i'm a little stuck between 2 computers - one has the photo editing software and the other has the photos from my iphone and apparently i haven't got any time to persuade them to talk to one another. it's been busy busy busy. i'm working on a website outside my regular work hours which means there's very little time for anything at the moment. i've been a little SAD [seasonal affective disorder] recently, but have been trying to scoop up some sun whenever it appears and have been gulping down some vitamin b which seems to be helping. january and february are always such a drag. it's nice to have our trip to the uk to look forward to though.
zoe is now in daycare number 3 [i think that makes about 16 between the 3 children so far, which wouldn't be so bad except that i was home with aly and toby for the majority of their 1st 5 years!]. anyway, my friend connie has bravely stepped up to the plate and her and zoe seem to be enjoying their time together [as long as connie doesn't threaten to take zoe to playgroup - she's a big fan of hanging out with adults and is not keen on noise, so playgroup has always taken a lot of persuasion!]
toby's hockey team is doing very well in the play-offs after struggling all season which is making everyone very happy. zoe is keen to start playing hockey so we took her to the richmond olympic oval at the weekend to try and get her skating again. she wasn't keen - she asked to go back in the stroller and promptly fell asleep while sascha did circuits with her around the rink!
that's about it for now. i promise promise promise there are a few photos to follow!
february 1
phew... tickets to the uk booked for benjamin and pauline's wedding. aly and i are going for 2 weeks in march and ditching the rest of the family [sorry guys]. on aly's $4 a week pocket money she managed to save up $200 towards the tickets which i'm very impressed by because she's definitely an 'aaarg - there's money in my pocket - quick we need to get to a store!'-type of person.
speaking of the flights, it was a close thing - we came close to using a travel agent for the first time in 10 years [who knew they still existed?]. in the end, after a solid weekend of hunting every possible routing, sascha managed to magic up a flight out of seattle to liverpool via amsterdam which comes back into vancouver via amsterdam for $1500 rather than the $1950 we had been looking at.
a few quotes for you....
[after zoe and i had sung incy wincy spider in the car the other day] zoe: 'very nice job singing mommy' me: 'thank you' zoe: 'you're welcome' [it's nice to have my singing talents fully appreciated for once!]
aly to toby 'you're going to shivel up and die aged 42 playing video games some day' [an argument then ensued as to whether his arms would actually be strong from playing video games and whether people might bring him food from time to time].
zoe, instead of shouting goodbye to aly and toby when we drop them off at school now yells 'don't get [dis]tracted'. for some reason.
toby, when he saw me wrapping some socks for sascha at christmas: 'oh come on mom, i got something better than that for dad and i only spent a dollar!'.
[as aly was putting on her new sparkly purple shoes] zoe: 'wow, nice shoes aly... they're beautiful'
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