snow's gone. instead we have about a million pot holes everywhere. weird. very weird. one of the local bridges has 37 potholes [i guess someone was travelling so slowly they passed the time away by counting them]. needless to say, traffic is a little slow if you're trying to leave lulu island [which is where we live]. fortunately i work on the island so my commute has been fine. apparently it was all the floating above and below zero degrees which destroyed the road surface.
so i was playing wii tennis with toby tonight wondering whether it was getting people off the sofa as much as i suspect, when i realised that sascha was out playing tennis for the first time in about 3 years. apparently all that pretend tennis made him realise how much he missed it!
january 18, 2007
well it looks like we might be nearing the end of 10 days of big snow [well, big for vancouver anyway]. no sooner had i got used to driving on the right side of the road again [there was a small incident where i drove 2 blocks on the left but fortunately there were no other cars on the road - just one very confused pedestrian on the sidewalk!] than i was sliding to work. there was a scary incident where i slid down a hill and completely through a stop light intersection. it was very fortunate that nothing was coming. do my []s annoy anyone? personally i feel it liberating to not worry much about grammar or capital letters here so you're out of luck if it does really [the lack of caps came about while breastfeeding and only had one hand free but i've never bothered adding them back in].
aly and i LOVE the snow and i think we've managed to make the most of it: shovelling the driveway, building a couple of snowmen, snowball fights [more up toby's street!] and sledding. most of it had to be in the dark after i got home from work but we didn't mind. i'd take snow over rain any day. it's just a shame it's so dangerous. every other person i know seems to have an insurance claim of some sort to make.
views from our balcony
photos from the uk trip etc. are all now listed under media gallery/2006.
january 6, 2007
we now have tivo [thanks guys]. thank goodness for that. i'm not sure how we survived without it. i can now download any TV show to my ipod, get up to talk to toby when he's supposed to be going to sleep without missing vital parts of movies, avoid having to watch hockey etc. etc. the benefits are really too numerous to mention. we're going to look back and think how bizarre it was to ever miss a show. i was a bit worried about coming back home to regular tv after seemingly everyone we knew in england had tivo capabilities. In fact, there was an amusing 2-way tivo clash at Uncle Mike's place where Match of the Day lost out to the X Factor Final! Fortunately we can record 2-3 different channels at the same time so hopefully we won't have to have that sort of 'debate'.
toby was in his first hockey tournament this weekend. neither he nor sascha seems to know which team won but i think he enjoyed himself. we roller bladed to the park in between matches because he wanted to practice his skating [he only went once a month in the uk as opposed to his usual twice a week]. aly rode her bike and the three of us bladed. i had a lot of fun playing hockey. what a great way to exercise; second only to boxing on the wii, my newest favourite hobby. [thanks santa!] i actually got a nasty stitch from boxing practice yesterday.
i'm 28 today on the wii. it has a training test [where it tests you on three random sports]. you're only allowed to do it once each day and it gives you a 'fitness age'. i think i was about 50 on my first attempt, but depending on which sports it picks [bowling good, baseball very very bad!] i'm now usually in my 30s. i'm actually sitting her waiting for sascha to finish a seemingly endless tennis match [he's swearing - i don't think it's going well] so i can have my turn. i might have a tantrum if he doesn't hurry up. anyway, it's been a good year for technology so far. i really think the wii could revolutionise game playing.
so flickr is working out well for me. [much easier to upload my photos]. this should mean you get to see a lot more photos this year and they should arrive for viewing quicker than before. i have had some comments about ease of access and navigation [which was my main concern because i don't necessarily think it's the most intuitive interface - especially when they are duplicated]. to make life easier i think i will put direct links from unblog to a new window with the relevant set eg. look at my lovely christmas photos. there will be a link on the top right of this page which allows you to view the whole set as a slideshow if you want to.
january 1, 2007
i think my new year's resolution for 2005 was to do something about my phobia which i did [not cured, but a big improvement], 2006 was to sort out some minor health issues i had brushed under the carpet for too long [which i did but still have to get around to doing a full exclusion diet at some point] and this year i've decided to go for something much more superficial and make more of an effort with my appearance; maybe a haircut more than once or twice a year, at least a hint of make-up every day [well, weekdays at least] and perhaps some hair styling in the morning. i'll have to start going to bed earlier to have time for all that.
our new year's eve was the quietest on record [and we've had some fairly quiet ones!] but very nice.
later today, colin and nikki arrive to so we can celebrate the last of christmas before heading back to work tomorrow. the children have a reprieve of another week before returning to school. they're in day camp at the community centre and will be going skating, to an art gallery and to science world this week so they'll be having plenty of fun.
oh - and i've decided i might be lazy this year and turn to flickr for uploading my photos. there's a preview of what i've uploaded so far if you click on the montage...