january, 2008
january 29, 2008
it's been a very snowy few days. we had a couple of days of glorious sunshine, where the stunning snow covered mountains were suddenly revealed. after that the snow began to fall. monday was a very peculiar day though - we could have been sledding but a couple of miles away at work there was not even a hint of snow. sascha works up a big hill in the opposite direction and there wasn't any snow there either. very odd.
january 17, 2008
toby: how come you guys eat so much more junk food than us?
sascha: what do you mean?
toby: after we go to bed you eat like chips and all sorts of things.
sascha [scrambling for ideas]: .. hmm well we eat more fruit and vegetables and always eat our dinners up.
i'm making sasch put chips into bowls before eating them now and we're talking loudly about how delicious the carrots are. i always forget that children are smarter than they look!
aly was telling me how she wants the rings from gymnastics in our house and i was telling her how jealous i was of my friends hazel and claire when i was young because they had a beam and a bar in their house.
aly: like a drinking bar?
me: NO! not like a drinking bar, like parallel bars
must be the brit in her shining through!
i'm about to put my canadian citizenship application in. i've reached 3 years of full-time residency which allows me to apply for citizenship. from what i can gather, it's likely to be about 2 years before it's done though and then i will be able to pop over the border to do some shopping without having to spend an hour at the border getting my eyeballs photographed, fingerprints taken etc. etc.
of course i'll also be able to vote and be called for jury duty. wahey!
i'm a little wary because the form seemed very straightforward in comparison to the long drawn out 1200 forms-57 million original document process to get permanent residence. even the photo doesn't need to be endorsed by someone who has known me for 3 years. ironic really considering when i was doing my permanent residence i didn't know a single person here who had known me more than 6 months so i had to pay for a notary to sign my photograph.
i've decided to drop a couple of hours at work. i'm not quite sure what i'm going to do with them yet. probably some housework. aly was giving me a hard time in december about not being a stay at home mom who could pick her up every day from school but she has just switched groups in afterschool care [designed to split her and toby up] and absolutely LOVES every minute of it, so she's changed her mind about me picking her up early ever again i think. maybe i'll call in at the school when i finish early and see if anyone want to come home with me. if not, perhaps i could squeeze in an hour or 2 of scrapbooking.
january 13, 2008
hmmm.. not quite keeping up with my weekly blog updates resolution.
aly has started doing gymnastics on a saturday morning which is what i spent much of my childhood doing so i'm very excited for her. hockey is crazy as usual - toby had a tournament last weekend so he was in 5 games. they all seemed to go well though.
it's raining here at the moment.. raining and raining and raining with the odd excitment of some sleet thrown in for good measure. what a crap time of the year.
so i've pulled the google adsense from this page as the ads seemed to be getting more and more seedy by the day despite us having selected the 'family friendly' option. we've left them up on the rest of the site so please let me know of any dubious offers!
today we went to sign the last piece of the olympic speed skating oval roof at richmond city hall. it was a 40 minutes line up but plenty of entertainment along the way. i did take some photos so i'll put them up when i get a chance.
january 3, 2008
2008! as toby pointed out.. it doesn't feel like it's 2008.
i'm currently between computers so no christmas photos yet but it won't be long. i have a nice shiny new laptop [in expectation of our seriously ill desktop dying any second now], but i don't have an ftp program or nice editor on it yet.
i have 2 new year's resolutions -
- to update my blog once a week instead of 3 times a month [i'm after all that google sense advertising money you know!]
- to wear earrings every weekday.
i got a nice earrings/necklace set for my birthday which have received lots of compliments. someone said to me that i looked very 'put together'. i wondered what this made me on a regular day, but decided that it might be nice to be 'put together' most days. my wearing-makeup-everyday resolution for 2007 has stuck in my effort to wean myself off 'i've just had a baby slobbery' 6 years after my last baby was born!
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