january, 2009
january 23
i've had a lovely week. zoe and i have got into a nice morning routine of getting up around 9.30-10ish. i feed her while eating breakfast and watching some morning tv, she generally produces a gift of an explosive diaper which leads nicely into bathtime then she gives me a few minutes of peace whilst in a swing or bouncy chair [our new best friend because it means the children can bounce her up and down to keep her quiet even while eating dinner]. during said minutes of peace i literally run from chore to chore like a headless chicken trying to figure out what needs doing most desperately. thank goodness for scooby and rodney - the robotic mop and vaccuum cleaner. afterwards it's usually time for either another diaper change, feed or both. while i'm feeding i usually catch up on some recorded tv shows - thank goodness for the arrival of tivo in our lives which means i'm not at the soul mercy of daytime tv! if she sleeps afterwards i [running again] try to grab something to eat before i put her in the stroller to walk to school for 2.30pm to pick up aly and toby.
overall i'm feeling really good - just a little bit tired at times - although the late get up really helps. the other bonus is that physically i'm pretty much back to normal - in fact my nails and hair are better than ever, which is a ironic because i'm having to keep my nails really short for fear of scratching zoe and keep my hair tied back because otherwise it ends up in zoe's face and drives me crazy. of course, my new found hair volume will no doubt be gone soon as my post-pregnancy hair drops out!
january 18

zoe was a month old yesterday. i'm not sure whether it feels like she's been around forever or it seems like she just arrived. my mum and dad aka. the cleaners, laundry people, decorators, upholsterers, school transportation, chefs etc. etc. have left. they made the whole thing a MUCH easier transition and i'm eternally indebted to them. i'm missing them and the endless games of scrabble with my mum but it sounds like they're going to make it back a couple of times this year. they will need to rest before they come back anyway! kellie and mike are also coming for a visit in february which will be lovely [don't worry kellie and mike - we're not expecting to be served on hand and foot!]

i really had forgotten what life was like with a newborn. it's not so much the sleepless nights, which i was definitely well prepared for, but just how long it takes to do anything - usually with one hand. i calculated that since zoe feeds every 2.5-3 hours and each feed takes about 45 minutes, i spend about 8-9 hours a day just feeding her. no wonder it's hard to anything done! getting out of the house is very unpredictable - last minute diaper changes and screaming fits can really be time consuming. fortunately, sascha has taken pity on me and is usually taking the children to school. i just need to get my act together by 2pm when i need to leave to pick them up. after some pressure from aly in the past year, i'm hoping to be more environmentally friendly and walk to school whenever the weather permits. zoe seems to like the fresh air so it's a win-win.

i have to say though that she is worth every second. she's just begun to smile which, in a split second, makes everything worth while and things just get easier and easier by the day. she likes to go out so i'm trying to get back into a good routine of going out somewhere most days.

me - a little disheveled but madly in love!
january 1

toby after a run in with sascha who was shoveling snow!
happy new year. another year, another child! maybe my new year's resolution should be to not be pregnant again before the end of the year! we had a quiet but very nice new year's eve. we had a buffet of everyone's favourite foods thanks to my mom and played lots of family games. courtesy of skype we got to see in the new year in the uk with di and stewart which was lovely since they were having a quiet new year themselves.
we've just about got used to having a baby in the house again. the night feeds are not as difficult as i thought they might be - all that sleeplessness during pregnancy seems to have been good practice. it does help that sascha is not back at work yet so can take her during the night if she is not falling back to sleep right after a feed. she's a big fan of being held 24hrs a day which we're half heartedly trying to wean her off. unfortunately everyone loves snuggling with her so there's not much of an incentive there!

aly and zoe in their matching japanese outfits [a christmas present from dani]

the littlest santa

between hockey pads, table hockey, a hockey helmet and hockey shirts, it was a very hockey christmas!
it was great to see everyone for christmas even though it was a very compact christmas this year [just a couple of days rather than weeks] and plenty of fun was had by all. there were 11 of us staying in the house: sascha and i, aly, toby, zoe, mum, dad, colin, nikki, peter and dani. we missed seeing sascha's sister tonya this year, but will hopefully get a chance to see them in the summer. as always the children got a ridiculous amount of presents and i'm still not sure where they are all going to go - especially since we have to move aly to her new [smaller] bedroom downstairs in a few weeks to make room for her little sister in the bedroom next to ours [that is assuming that zoe ever sleeps by herself!]
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