january 2012
january 23

bit of radio silence there - sorry about that. it's been a very chilly start to the year with lots of snow to play in. we didn't manage to persuade zoe to go sledding (which tradgically meant that I didn't get to go sledding!), but she had fun making snowballs and snowmen. anyway, the big news is that sasch has a new job with disney as director of production operations for disney's interactive media group and is travelling between studios which unfortunagtely means that i'm a single parent during the week. we will look at moving near to the studio he's based out of after the end of the school year this year. it's going to be weird adjusting to him being away during the week but my family has taken to babysitting me and the first babsitter (my dad) arrives this thursday. unfortunately, he won't be here in time to take out the trash on garbage day which i've been having to do MYSELF [gasp!]

doing the school run

making footprints in the snow
i will need to leave my job at richmond family place after 7 years which will be very sad but it's a fantastic non-profit which was my first real home in canada and will always be close to my heart. hopefully i can continue to do a little contract work for them.
january 2

the bc legislature - just around the corner from toryn's apartment where we celebrated new year.
welcome to 2012. 2011 was not without its problems but we have high hopes for 2012. it's looking like it might be a year of change. my new year's resolution is to celebrate 10 years of blogging by overhauling this site to make it a little easier to update.
christmas was great, with dani and toryn coming over to spend a few days with us. we all got some great gifts for christmas. zoe's favourite presents are her dora umbrella which she proudly tells everyone about and wants to bring everywhere she goes and a t-shirt which has a photo of her favourite cuddly toy on it. sascha and i are pretty happy about aly's kinect disneyland adventures game and aly is very excited about her very own sewing machine. so far she's made 2 pairs of pj pants, a tinkerbell blanket and pillow for zoe and a couple of other bits and pieces - not bad for 2 days. it's just a pity i have a sewing machine phobia. let's hope she knows what she's doing!

toby in a tie - gasp! might never be seen again

toryn, dani and aly at christmas dinner

dani and toryn playing dance central
for new year's we went over to victoria to do another christmas with nikki and colin. toryn very kindly moved out of his new apartment for a couple of days so we could spend new year with his 2 ferrets on the 16th floor overlooking downtown victoria - thanks toryn :-) before we went to victoria we just had time to squeeze in a giants hockey game:

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