july, 2006
july 27
only in america... i was listening to a US radio station today and an ad came on for bellingham surgery centre. apparently they're having a festival on saturday. you can bring the family and check out their operating rooms and low low prices. 'have you always wanted to get rid of that little bump on your nose? it's so quick and easy and our prices are unbeatable'. oh oh, quick, let's get the passports and go.. it sounds great.
the kids have had another great week at day camp. it's science week and they've been learning about ooey gooey science with 'lightening lindsay' apparently. aly was very cute for her day trip to the bug lab last week. she showed up in the kitchen that morning with all these green feathers carefully threaded into her hair. apparently she didn't want the bugs to be scared of her so she was dressing up as a plant.
last weekend aly and i had a lovely girls day together. we went to watermania, shopping [she very helpfully pointed out that one of the things i was trying on made me look like a teenager], did crafts and went to dinner together. the boys were busy with hockey, golf and then home depot to buy stuff to make a putting green in the backyard.
it's still hot hot hot here [as it seems to be in most of the world]. i'm desperately trying not to complain because i know we'll be moaning about the rain any second now.
july 17
well that was a busy couple of weeks. i managed to take quite a bit of time off work while my parents were here for 2 weeks. mostly i worked while they took the kids for swimming lessons and then lunch. after lunch we usually did something together. it was great to see them. i've just been doing some cleaning downstairs in the suite where they were staying and it's sad to be down there without them being around. we ended up spending a lot of time in 'their place' since it's a lot cooler downstairs at the moment and it has quick and easy access to the BBQ!
anyway, here are some of the things we managed to do while they were here....

swimming lessons

magic show at the library

peta and sascha get to spend a night away at river rock casino

watching the world cup

mom's birthday at the local greek restaurant

strawberry picking

learning morse code

grandad and aly got up to lots of mischief as usual

balancing on the beach at point roberts in the united states

queen elizabeth park


capilano suspension bridge
for the next two weeks the kids are at summer daycamp with their old preschool teacher. they are so happy and excited. it's a little bit tricky for me because for it finishes at 3pm each day and i don't have any other daycare but it's well worth it. they are going on a field trip to stanley park including the petting zoo and train tomorrow and have a trip to the bug lab planned for later in the week. in between there seem to be lots of treasure hunts, visits from snakes etc. etc.
july 1
picked mum and dad up from the airport yesterday. for the first time ever we actually watched their plane land. aly spotted it coming so i pulled into a side road at the end of the runway to watch it land and taxi. even weirder, my mum thinks she saw us on the side road from the plane window! it's lovely to have them here. the children were super hyper all day but finally went to sleep at around 10pm when we had tucked grammy and grandad in for the night.
today, we're heading of to the canada day celebrations at the steveston salmon festival.
it's been an extremely busy last 2 weeks of school. 2 trips to the waterpark, a play, a performance [one aly was in, the other was a concert by charlotte diamond for all the kids at aly's school], an event at EA for the opening of their new building etc. etc.
the EA event was called 'EA sweet'. it's a very cool building with it's own movie theatre, beautiful roof garden, huge gym, basketball court etc. but i have never seen so many deserts in my life. there were chocolate fountains, caramel fountains, candy [with bags to fill and take home], cupcakes, cookies, brownies, mousse cakes. basically everything sweet you can think of! i was feeling a little queasy after about 10 minutes but managed to squeeze in plenty more!

the EA roof garden

toby and aly at the waterpark with maya for the end of year montessori picnic

playing with water in the backyard
as toby was zooming around the house one day, aly came up to him and stuck this speeding ticket on his tummy:

to toby, you are speeding. love aly. [i think is what it says]
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