june, 2008
june 28
my dad has arrived, the children have finished school, the weather is fabulous, my mum will be here in less than a week and then it will pretty much be time for our holiday to LA/disney cruise to mexico. yippeeeee!
june 22
i finally managed to get hold of a copy of wii fit. sascha and i had been popping our heads into electronics stores periodically, only to be told that we should try to be there at 10am each day in case a shipment came in. personally, a month after the release date i couldn't believe that people would still be lining up every morning. besides, who were all these supposed people who had time to while away their mornings waiting for a shipment which might not come! anyway, i happened to be near an electronics store at 10.45 one morning so i popped in just to check. apparently, they had just sold out of the 5 copies which came in at 10. i checked another store and they said there was a rumour that they might be getting more in the next day. i decided to be one of 'those' people and went back, fairly nonchalontly at around 10.15am the next morning, only to see someone leaving the shop with one. with a slightly quicker pace, i joined the customer service line and was finally rewarded with one of the last units.
the gist is, i love it. the yoga is great because the balance board gives you really good feedback on your weight distribute - front to back/left to right. i discovered that in the warrior pose, i had been leaning foward all these years and that when i stand i lean slightly forward and left. some of the strength training exercises are a bit lightweight, but there are a few that tire me out pretty quickly and i'm guessing they'll get harder as i unlock more exercises. in the aerobic section, the children really like the running sessions [toby's favourite is a 30 minute run because you get so many points for completing it! i prefer the dance/aerobics class. everyone likes the balance exercises which are tricky but lots of fun. anyway, i'd highly recommend it if you can get your hands on one. it's brought new hope to me keeping up any sort of an exercise regime!
june 7
the weather here has been a little sole destroying of late. we had a bit of a miserable april, then a week or 2 of beautiful weather [resulting in the breaking out of all the summer clothing, patio furniture etc. etc.] and then the last week or so has been altogether very november. it's OK; it's nothing i'm not used to. that's the thing about the weather in vancouver and in england. it really has the ability to get your hopes way up and then completely dash them! yesterday it was raining torrentially all morning and most of the afternoon [while i was at work, trying to get a team of volunteers excited about doing a gardening project!] and then came about 3 hours of glorious sunshine [while i was on my way home]. we then went for a parents' night out to boston pizza [childminding was provided by donation by our very kind community centre] and by the time we came out it was pouring again.
see - this is why the british are renowned for talking about the weather - there's just so much to talk about!
i found a mysterious scrap of paper on toby's window sill the other night. it said: '1844+1844'. i asked him what it was.
"oh, it's just so i don't forget where i'm up to"
"what do you mean"
"you know, i started by doing 1+1, then 2+2 and now that's where i'm up to and i don't want to forget. hey - do you want to do it with me? "
" erm.. no thanks. how about you just try to get to sleep? "
he's a funny kid.
june 2
i started back at yoga today for the first time in a couple of months. i had been pretty consistent with going weekly for the past 2 years so i had really missed it. it's yoga with weights and my stamina was a little pathetic, but it was good to be back and i also found that a couple of old friends had joined the class while i'd been gone.
here are a few of photos from the girls' trip to qualicum beach. i had such a great time that i've just booked to go back with the family for a weekend in august.

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