.petapatter.by peta
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peta at petawilliams dot com



june 21

poor toby is pretty unhappy that he's the only kid in the family left in school - both his sisters only went to school for three days this week and are now done for the year. i went to zoe's graduation ceremony for preschool tonight - it was very cute.

aly is going to india on a volunteer trip with free the children for 3 weeks next month. getting the paperwork/immunizations together has been a bit of a nightmare and we're still not exactly sure how we're going to get her to toronto to meet the group going over there - it might involve a night's stay in toronto by herself. she's VERY excited and we're so happy for her. i'm sure it'll be a life changing experience.

we've had a great week with di and stewart here and they've been such a great help with the children. a third set of grandparents - hooray! together we've been to the pyramid winery, been to hot sands beach, downtown kelowna, been up knox and dilworth mountains and they've managed to fit in plenty of sightseeing of their own. hopefully we'll managed to pack plenty in to their last weekend with us!

one of the neighbourhood turtles out for a stroll

june 9

the whole gang

i'm loving my new job. there are lots of weird and wonderful products to test out. no 2 days are alike which works really well for me and i am fascinated to be learning about a new industry.

there are usually some willing volunteers to help me test products in the most ridiculous way possible!

zoe went for her MRI appointment and did really well with the whole experience. she had to be put fully under for it. the results came back clear which is great, but unfortunately doesn't give us an answer as to why she's been having headaches all these years.

the grandparents have all had a great time together. the 2 grandfathers went on lots of adventures together. zoe has no idea how lucky she has been to have 3 doting grandparents playing with her! unfortunately grampy had to go back to victoria last saturday after 8 months with us.

when we dropped aly off at girl guide camp in fintry provincial park last weekend we found this beautiful waterfall, along with a lovely manor house and labyrinth. the lake is so clear in this area i could see the bottom for as far as the eye could see.

fintry falls

fintry falls

fintry falls

fintry falls
toby and zoe in the labyrinth. they faithfully did all 1/2 mile of it.

fintry falls
on our way home from picking aly up again we found this herd of big horn sheep in the road

i love kelowna for the spontaneous wine tours which can happen accidentally....

winery tour

winery tour

we've had a great time with mum and dad as usual. we'll be very sad to see them go at the weekend. fortunately, they are being replaced by aunt di and uncle stewart who are coming until the end of june. it's going to feel very quiet in the summer when aly is away and there's only 4 of us instead of a house full!

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