late june, 2003
i've just met another peta for the first time in my life today. she's running a local playgroup and even more stangely she's from england and has a daughter named tobi [i see having a 'boy's name' didn't worry her!] she's only ever met one other peta in her 71 years - she sold a car to her in australia. double coincidence, when i got back home from the playgroup, marcia had emailed me to say that she'd just heard a peta from england on the radio. i don't know - you don't hear of a peta for 10 years then suddenly 2 come along at once!
CONGRATULATIONS to lara on the birth of her lovely baby girl jody who kept her waiting for a very long time!
well done sarah on conquering crawling!
well, here we are - vancouver at last. we arrived on the 8th after a bit of a whiny 24hr drive [poor toby had a fever so wouldn't sleep for more than 10 minutes at a time]. we've found some parks, found some playgroups, bought a car and almost unpacked. we're in a nice 3 bedroom apartment overlooking a park in richmond [on an island just south of vancouver city]. i think i've even found myself a new scrapbooking consultant who seems to hold lots of workshops for me to go to. i'm yet to find an equivalent to the MOMS club but still have high hopes.
toby is chattering more and more and aly's potty training finally seems to be progressing for all those who've been closely monitoring the situation! she's inspired by the thought she can go to school once she's potty trained.
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