how time flies when you forget to update your website. we spent the day at science world today. we've just bought a membership to a museum i've never heard of in toronto somewhere for $35/year for the family [as recommended by a friend]. anyway, it gives us reciprocal membership to science world, the macmillan space centre and the bc museum in victoria - hooray - we win. the science world membership is about $120/year and we just recouped our $35 in what would have been today's entry fee. science world itself was absolute chaos. i guess that's what spring break in the only part of canada not usually under snow at this time of year will do for you. anyway, despite the crowds we had a great time - aly doing her usual flitting between random exhibits and toby concentrating on 3 things for the entire time we were there - all 3 to do with balls.
hopefully this week will be better than last. my 3 week old sinus cold [complete with daily headache and earache] seems to finally be going. toby appears to be on the mend [throat and stomach issues] and even aly's neverending cough and snivels seem to be going away. toby missed 2 days of school last week and all of us were feeling very cranky and house-bound.
this week i'm going to try and get the children out and about as much as possible with preschool, dance class and playgroup all cancelled for the week [panic!!]. sascha and i have free movie passes to a preview screening of saint ralph [i think that's what it's called] for tomorrow night but i'm having a bit of trouble tracking down a babysitter - my usual babysitter is ill. i think nikki is coming over for a visit at some point, i'm going to try to meet up with some old neighbours at deer lake park, and we're aiming to visit the maritime museum for some 'pirate fun'. on friday we're going to an easter egg hunt at the community centre and we also had the foresight to book a ferry to victoria on friday afternoon so we don't have to spend the best part of the day in the queue with only the temporary terminal [ie. shed with bathrooms and sandwiches] to entertain us.
oh.. also, we got a fancy new computer last week and since it has a slot for the camera's memory stick, you might just get to see new photos a little quicker.. especially since i won't have to reboot the machine everytime i try to save a new image in photoshop any more.
march 10
didn't get the job which sucks, but nevermind. the alternative ie. getting to stay at home with aly and toby and sleeping in until 9am everyday is a great alternative :-) trouble is i'm now in a job hunting sort of mindset. i think i'll just apply for 1 job at a time - that way it could take me a long time to get a job and i would only be getting a job which i'm really interested in. second problem is that i'm looking at internet jobs which means i need a proper online resume which means it'll likely be on unblog which, in turn, means they'll probably be reading this very entry on how i'm not that bothered about getting a job. the internet can be very inconvenient at times! i must investigate the availability of
the children are both well. i'm not - i've had a head cold for over 2 weeks now and it doesn't seem to be getting any better so for the first time since i was a kid i've decided to go to the doctors about a cold today.
the children went out riding their bikes between rain showers yesterday and toby has just about got the hang of it finally [with training wheels]. it has taken so long mostly because i've been very lazy about taking them out on their bikes much because the 2 of them together were so much work. toby's still reading up a storm. he can also beat me at tiger woods pga tour 2005 now. i can out drive him but he's got the magic touch when it comes to putting.
aly is still as scientifically minded as ever. she has a never ending appetite for explanations of how things work. she had a very complicated conversation with my mum and dad in the uk about the earth's rotation and time zones the other day. i was sitting doing some colouring with her last night and realised that when she has the patience for it, there's not much difference in the quality of our colouring.
so that's it, the children are brilliant :-) and i'm not biased.. honest. now, onto that secret online resume location.
march 2
words of wisdom from aly to cheer me up this morning:
"a parent's gotta do what a parent's gotta do"
[as i muttered under my breath about cleaning up after other people whilst mopping up a cup of spilt milk. i'd already had to clean up an accident in the bathroom which resulted in a full bathroom and floor cleaning and bathing the 2 kids all before breakfast.]
in an email from my poor sister this morning....
"So I spent a very miserable day doing fieldwork in Norfolk yesterday. I was
prepared for the cold, fully thermalised, but I didn't know it was going to
rain :( Why would people live here, they're mad! All my paperwork
disintegrated as soon as I got there, I was slipping around in the mud at
the site and none of my pens would work. I'm doing it again tomorrow, I
really hope the weather's better."
well she did choose a career which involves digging in dirt. and she only used to complain when she got sunburnt doing this out in the desert in california. of course the whole pub culture thing in england seems to be making up for the weather overall.
hey, i could start a whole kellie sub-blog without her even realising!
march 1
march already. it sneaks up on you.
i have removed the media section of my website because, frankly, i can't be bothered to update it, and it's not as if reviews of my last movie viewings [winnie-the-pooh's heffalump] are really that interesting [it was an excellent movie by the way!] in case you're missing the section already, i'm reading game plan [by somebody, somebody and somebody with tricky names], the essential 55 [ron clark] and angels and demons [dan brown] which is driving me mad because i really like to finish a book before i start the next. i'm also having peter and jane 'have a go' read to me several times a day at the moment. i'm listening to greenday, u2 [of course], maroon 5 etc. etc. as if you really care. BLOGS - who'd have em..?
my quest for the one and only job i'm prepared to have at the moment is still on the go, but should have concluded one way or another in the next week or so. i'll let you know how that goes.
all 4 of us are just getting over coughs and colds at the moment. my mum pointed out earlier today that that's all i seem to go on about on my blog [sorry to bore you mum ;-p]. despite the colds we went to the planetarium on sunday since the children had just finished 2 weeks of space as a topic at school. there's a great show at the h.r. macmillan space centre called 'music with marnie' - a very interactive and preschooler-targeted show in the planetarium - lots of singing, dancing and jumping for the children to join in with. we also went to see a laser pop show in the dome later on in the day. unfortunately i was at the stage of my cold where, if i looked upwards, i felt like i was drowning. therefore i took the opportunity to have a nice nap :-) we also decided to try them on the simulator for the first time - something about an asteroid about to hit earth. it was a good ride which toby LOVED but aly [the child who wants to be a space girl when she grows up] was not quite so sure. at least she didn't have to be removed like the screaming child next to toby before the ride even started though.