the richmond oval for the 2010 games will have a 400m track housed in a 33,750 sq.m. facility
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february 27 2006 - the olympic flag arrives in vancouver
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march, 2006

march 27

blue tit?
i'm pretty sure this one's a blue tit!

if it wasn't for the cold, the wet and the boredom, i'd really like to be a bird spotter. i need one of those 'i spy birds' books. while my dad was staying with us he bought, and put up, a bird feeder on our balcony. the children now sit watching the birds while their eating and aly is supposed to be taking responsibility for feeding them to prove to us that she can have a real pet of her own [it's not working!]. i just really wish i knew what birds were what. the trouble is they're all foreign to me - literally. i'm also intrigued by the huge birds of prey which hang out alongside the highway i drive down to work each morning. i'm wondering if i've ever seen an eagle since apparently vancouver has the highest eagle population of any city in the world.

strangely aly was learning cube roots at montessori today which sascha and i are a little dumbfounded by. crazy.

march 20

butterfly cakes

march 15

this week is spring break and i'm getting a hard time off aly because they still have to go to daycare and i have to work. fortunately the usually strict montessori daycare they go to has really loosened up for spring break - so much so that toby wouldn't leave today (when he is usually straight out of the door when i arrive). they been building their own cars to have a race, putting on performances, doing lots of art etc. so i probably shouldn't feel quite as guilty as i do.

i'm trying to make it for it in the evenings. monday night we went to a small beach on the river near our house then to the library/dinner. yesterday we had movie night in with popcorn and the movies we borrowed from the library. tonight we're going to meet sascha at ikea.

we finally had some snow which stuck last week so the kids dashed out before school to make a snow man - lucky since it was pretty much gone by the time we got home that night.

toby disappears...

today has been rainbow filled - lots of rain but lots of sun.

as an aside, toby believes in rebirth (at exactly 100 yrs of age) and aly believes in heaven. it's so weird watching their brains being moulded - seemingly without much input from us any more!

march 8

we went to see curious george on saturday night. it was a bit of a last minute decision and when we turned up we were quite early. toby was convinced that the movie was broken because the screen was blank when we arrived. i think we can safely say we've never been early before - we usually like to scrape in as 'feature presentation' is scrolling across the screen. anyway, it was an excellent movie. much better than the disappointing dougall.

monday was a hectic day. i had a creative memories thing to go to at 6pm, my friend debbie was in town and nikki was arriving to stay the night. after some juggling we arranged for nikki to pick the kids up early from montessori and when she had to go to her dinner, we nipped across the street to see debbie, brianna and amy; then we rushed back just in time for me to go out.

nikki's evening got more eventful from that point. she'd mentioned that the battery light had come on in the car as she was getting on the ferry but everything seemed to be working ok. we both agreed it must have been iffy wiring or something. anyway, the battery light came on again just after she got over the bridge into vancouver. then she noticed other random lights coming on then going off. in the grand finale all the lights came on and stayed on. just as she was about to make a left turn at one of vancouver's busiest intersections, the whole car died. it didn't help that the hazard lights wouldn't even work. she had quite the traumatic and long wait for the tow truck - it was too dangerous to even get out. turns out it was the alternator

toby disappears...

march 1

congrats to left arrowdave and octavia on the news that they're expecting :-)

well, the olympics is over. toby is still skating in his socks around the house in circles muttering about medals positions. he spent the olympics glued to the tv hedging his bets between canada and the US [and even great britain at one point]. there was a tantrum involving tears when the americans lost a skiing medal. the obsession lasted a good few weeks after the last olymics [or 'yimpics'] as he pronounced it back then.

the countdown to the 2010 games has begun in vancouver [1,444 days to go i believe] along with alternating excitement and despair about how much it's costing. i still had in my mind it was about 10 years away. i guess i'm stuck in the year 2000 still.

it was a quiet day at work on monday and i got all over excited and planned aly's birthday in may. it's going to be a fairy theme [she's a big fairy fan]. i'd make a great event planner as long as i had a partner who liked to deal with the people and catering side of things!

we had a nice quiet weekend - toby had a t-ball class and we all went to see dougall [aka. the magic roundabout]. it was a little disappointing that all the characters weren't still made of paper or bits of fluff or whatever it was they were made of and there wasn't much in there for the grown-ups, but coming out aly asked when it would be out on dvd so i guess she really liked it. [as sascha pointed out, it's weird to think that our kids won't ever think of movies as coming out on video]. i feel old.

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