there are approximately 75,000,000 horses in the world
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a full grown horse's intestines are approximately 89 feet long
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march, 2008

march 21

at last - a long weekend. a 4 day weekend in fact. yippee!

aly is back from her camping trip with out of school care and had a fantastic time. she's very proud to have been nominated 'camp girl'. apparently she was the youngest one there without a parent and did great. i think this could be an annual event. she came back very tired [she fell asleep face down sprawled on the sofa shortly after coming home] but not as muddy as i expected - i think because they'd been swimming every day.

meanwhile, although toby was a little bitter about not being able to go, he got to spend some great quality time with sascha and i. sascha took him to a canucks hockey game, i went rollerblading with him [unfortunately this resulted in him realizing that my rollerblades were vastly better than his] and we both played various games and sports with him. he also got to go to some fun day camps.

i'm taking my knowledge test for canadian citizenship at the beginning of april and although i've been studying, i didn't realize i had been worrying until i had a dream where we all had to leave the exam room because it had filled with smoke, then we had to take the exam on laptops linked to an xbox but the questions were all about sweden and someone keep moving all the questions off my screen. finally we got to take the exam and i woke up relieved it was all over, only to realize i hadn't taken it at all! anyway, i'm up to around 97% on the online practice versions of the test so i think it should all work out ok in the end.

march 11

i nearly got hit by a huge blue heron taking off from a ditch at the side of the highway the other day. i hit a duck like that once so i'm always very wary. given the size of this thing i think there was a good chance that my car would have bounced off the heron rather than the other way around! it been a good bird spotting week. i saw 2 beautiful bald eagles sitting in a huge tree on my way home from work. i don't believe i've ever seen more than one at a time until now. besides them, i've seen lots of the usual hawks etc. perhaps it's because the weather has been so much better for the last couple of weeks.

aly confessed to having a crush on 2 boys this week. it can't have started already can it? she's going camping for a few days with them at spring break so i'm just hoping she's too young for holiday romances!

march 4

i was awoken this morning by toby standing at my bedroom door at 7.33am with his coat on, shoes on and backpack on his back. when i asked if he had had any breakfast he said yes, but he couldn't eat too much because it was cornflakes and they were very noisy and he didn't want to wake me up. he had a field trip to science world today and was apparently very excited. i'm usually dragging him [literally] out of bed around 7.35. it's days like this the make you think maybe having 4 children wouldn't be so bad after all ;-p

i had a great quote from aly at the weekend. we were baking cakes and i asked her to pass me a teaspoon.
aly: "which one is a teaspoon?"
me: "the little ones you eat your dinner with."
aly: "that's the great thing about having kids isn't it: you can love them AND they have lots of spoons for you to use?"

i had a very energetic time rollerblading this weekend while aly was at gymnastics. unfortunately the park which the gymnastics arena is in is very very hilly so i have to alternate between hurtling down hills and slipping up damp hills. it's a fantastic workout though. it has actually inspired me to try and work on being able to slow myself by dragging one of my skates behind me [not just using the break] and i'm sort if getting the hang of it [fortunately]. aly has been having a great time at gymnastics but she's decided to give trampolining a try. it's at the same place so i see lots of rollerblading in my future - hopefully in better weather.

we've got both children signed up for swim lessons in may and once toby's huge ice hockey commitment has ended for the season, he'll be doing some basketball and floor hockey. it all sounds a little hectic but it's all fairly spread out so i think we'll be ok.

i got called by canadian immigration last week to ask if i wanted to be part of a trial where you take the knowledge test portion of the citizenship qualification before they even begin to review your paperwork. i agreed to go for it, so i'll be taking the test in april. when i was telling the children that i would have to study for my test, aly gave these wonderful words of support:
"i’m pretty sure you will fail the canadian test because you speak a LOT of english words. how many times are you allowed to take it?" [i'm assuming we're talking wrong [ie. british] english words!

finally, some photos from our day at cypress bowl...

sascha and toby on the lift

sascha and aly on the mountain

aly and toby ready to launch!


overlooking vancouver's skyline

back home



