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.unblog.by peta
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march 2010

march 23

torch relay

the torch relay was an amazing experience [despite a VERY cranky baby who had missed her nap and wasn't very patient with the 90 minute wait for the torch to get up the mountain!] sascha ran from the inukshuk at the top of whistler mountain, through the chalet to dani who then passed the flame to phil [a paralympian] who skied with it. it was the most beautiful day and the views in every single direction were breathtaking. dani and sascha both enjoyed their day of celebrity and couldn't walk more than a few metres without someone asking for a photo with them or their torch!

torch relay
sascha passing the flame to dani

the paralympic opening ceremony was a great experience [again - despite an unamused baby who's only source of entertainment was hiding inside my poncho!] - spectacular, emotional and very inspiring.

paralympic opening ceremony
all wrapped up in our audience ponchos

paralympic opening ceremony

toby, nikki, dani and i headed off to whistler to watch the paralympic alpine events the following day. when we got there there was a little bit of fog so we were waiting for it to lift. after about 2 hours of delays we figured out that 'delayed until 1.15pm' was actually code for 'at 1.15pm we will let you know which time we've moved the delay to'.

whistler creekside

fortunately, while waiting for the fog to lift, there was sledge hockey, cross country skis and sit skis to test out. as demonstrated by toby, the sit ski is just as tricky as it looks!

toby sit skiing

toby sit skiing

when we could no longer see any of the mountain we decided to get back on the bus!

whistler creekside

we went to a sledge hockey event with the adams family on tuesday. it was a lot of fun and there was a great atmosphere. of course, canada winning 5-0 against norway helped! the children also got to try out sledge hockey and i joined them to try blind biathlon [there's something about the concept of blind shooting which has always worried me!]

sledge hockey

my last event of the olympics/paralympics was wheelchair curling with my mom and dad. it was a shame that britain were already out, but we did get to see canada beat sweden 10-5 in the semi-finals.

before everything ended we dashed downtown to check out the signs and sounds in vancouver.



aly and toby bobsleighing

and then...all too soon... it was all over :-(
can't wait for london in 2012 :-)

march 1

aly, toby and dani with the mascots

wow.. where to begin. so many events, so much fun [and chaos], and so very very many photographs. here are just a few:



toby was irritatingly persistent with his support for the usa and disregard for canada!

downtown vancouver

downtown vancouver

downtown vancouver

livecity yaletown

livecity yaletown

athlete's village

athlete's village


pete outside sochi house
pete outside sochi house with quebec and saskatchewan house behind him


victory ceremony

victory ceremony

various hockey games

at canada hockey place

security at canada hockey place

at canada hockey place

at canada hockey place

at canada hockey place

sascha at canada hockey place

pete at canada hockey place

2-man bobsleigh (women's)



cross county skiing (men's 50km)

cross county skiing

what a fun 2 weeks. thank goodness we have sascha and dani's paralymic torch relay run and then the paralympics or we might be all depressed come monday morning. in the meantime we'll be catching up on some sleep!

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