warner chappel music owns the copyright to the song "happy birthday." they make over $1 million in royalties every year from the commercial use of the song more useless facts
happy birthday aly [she's 4 already] and happy birthday nikki
may, 25
lara just pointed out to me that i'd screwed up my homepage - thanks for that lara. in all the excitment of updating 2003 with scrapbook pages, 2004 with new photos and the heritage section, i uploaded the wrong index page - i'm obviously out of practice.
anyway, it was a very busy weekend. we went to our first family movie together [shrek 2] which was very enjoyable. aly couldn't help but shout out the odd amusing comment or 2, but since it was a matinee, i think the rest of the cinema were probably talking too much to notice! toby got just a little bit restless in the middle - i think he'd have been fine if we'd had a bigger bucket of popcorn to keep him amused. we're planning another trip for the spongebob movie in november [which will be highly educational i'm sure]. it was a big landmark outing for me. the fact all 4 of us could go and do something which interested us all was weird and very nice. we'll be roller blading along the beach with the wind blowing through our hair, all advert-like, before you know it :-)
after shrek we went to chuck e cheese which was fortunately not quite so chaotic as the ventura one used to be at the weekend. we even managed to fit in a round of golf for sasch and a grocery shop.
sunday, i did some stuff for barb (CM consultant), as well as a little bit of my own scrapbooking, whilst sascha took the kids to the children's festival in vancouver where they all had a great time [we got the digital camera working [it was just a dead battery] so photos to follow].
aly threw up yesterday which obviously went down really well with me [i have emetophobia for those who don't know - a fear of vomit]. it seems she took one look at the blood on her knee - [which i pointed out to her] and went all silly about the whole thing. it would appear that neither child likes blood at all. they obviously need to hurt themselves more. this past week has been good for that though - toby has a band-aid on his knee and two on his fingers and aly has 2 on her knee. incidentally, i handled it much better than usual - perhaps because i was pretty sure it was going to be an isolated incident.
may, 20
i don't get much of a chance to read old friend's blogs these days, but i did manage to do a bit of catching up today. from what i can gather, mike smith didn't have a eurovision party[??], dave smith has gone even more soppy, and steve cook has been to church. what IS the world coming to? i was happy to note that rufus seemed to have filled sophie's sisters diesel VW golf with petrol :-) maybe some things never really change. in ruf's defence he claims ".Tescos has fundamentally different shaped nozzles and warning stickers everywhere. This place had nothing to really indicate the difference." [snigger]
talking of being embarrassed, after playing with a baby at the playground the other day, aly said [more loudly than normal it seemed] ""wow, that baby has a really big head for such a very small baby.""
watched the season finale of the west wing last night. this marks the end of any decent tv for the next 5 months. oh well, i'll have to spend more time with my family i guess [of course my family will be intently watching the hockey playoffs for the next couple of weeks].
may, 17
ok, all the pages from the heritage album are now up. i'll add the text when i get a chance. i've also put up some photos from aly's birthday party.
aly went to her 2nd soccer practice today. she managed to listen to the coach for at least 15 minutes this time which was an improvement i guess. she was a little sleepy since i had to wake her from a nap in the car to go and play. i wanted her to nap because last week she was too tired to play?! i can't decide whether to pull her because she doesn't really seem that interested or give her a couple more weeks to see if she's get into the whole routine. i guess we'll see. i took some photos of her playing last week, so should i ever manage to find my missing camera and film they might make it onto the website.
oh - and we got a new car on saturday - a mazda 3. i'm just starting to get over the feeling of driving along the floor after being so high up in the SUV [jeep grand cherokee]. it's a really nice car though. it's silver, and toby announces 'it's soo COOL' to anyone everytime we get in it. it has a very strange row of lights on the dashboard which zoom across when you scan on the radio. v. night rider!
may, 15
well, with sascha being away, surprisingly i've been catching up on my scrapbooking - by staying up way too late after the kids are in bed. this, combined with a full day at national scrapbook day, means my heritage album is all but finished so i'm just scanning some pages to put the whole lot online. i'm having a crisis about what size to scan at though, so if there's a mixture you'll know i changed mind halfway through.
sascha being away went pretty well. i think it gets a little easier each time - probably because it's not such a shock to the system, the children are getting older, and also because i'm so much more settled here - have more to do, more people to talk to etc.
i had a remarkably good mother's day considering sascha wasn't around to ply the children with presents! i'd alreay had a lovely mother's tea party at aly's school which included a singing performance. aly kept shouting over to me from the stage asking me if all the mommies were here yet. when they still hadn't arrived she decided to start the performance on her own. when they did start, she sang the first 2 songs beautifully. the 3rd song, however, was mr sun and she shouted to everyone that she didn't like this song and spent the whole song with her arms folded scowling :-) for the next song she decided to lick the kids either side of her, which didn't go over very well. it's very difficult to sit and watch them being bad without being able to intervene - almost as painful as watching her happily drinking from the gutter at swimming lessons every week as i watch, horrified, from behind the glass!
anyway, back to mother's day itself.. aly decided to make me a card off her own back on saturday evening and then wished me happy mother's day on sunday after she heard me on the phone to my mum [who now has to celebrate the US mother's day since kellie and i never manage to get our acts together in time for the uk one!] finally, both kids brought me daisies and clovers they'd picked. they couldn't have bought a better present really :-) to top it off, they spent the afternoon being angelic at the family place while I got to work on a scrapbook for a member of staff who was leaving [bye adriannna!]
nikki [sascha's sister] came for a very strange visit late tuesday until early thursday because she was doing a day of presentations to a school nearish to here. this meant that the children had a very late night on wednesday so they could see her [and so aly could open some presents from the williams gang]. this made for a very cranky thursday, but since sascha was coming back that night, they couldn't wear me down!! i've taken to driving them around to get them to sleep when they get cranky. they really don't do well without a nap, but it's rare either of them will go to sleep at home now.
toby's big news [ie. news that he's telling everyone he meets] is that he has 2 owies - attained on the day he was too tired to balance! the first is a big scrapped up knee and the second is a big door print down the side of his face next to his eye where aly apparently closed the door on him to stop him kicking her again! so sascha came back to both the kids and the house being a bit of a wreck. besides numerous broken toys, one day they were playing a little too quietly in toby's room together. when i went to check i found toby holding an very small orange pencil and the two of them looking more guilty than you'd believe. turns out toby had drawn on one wall, aly had drawn [the most beautiful person] on another wall and they'd collaborated on a piece for the third wall. none of which would appear to be erasable. so we're off to spend some pocket money on a mr clean magic eraser :-)
may, 8
there's something about your child's birthday which makes you feel so much older than even your own birthday does. she suddenly looks so much more mature! her birthday party yesterday at go bananas was great. i'd have photos on the site to show you if the camera hadn't flaked out on us the minute we arrived - doh! hopefully i'll get copies of someone else's. it was a joint birthday party with her friend kishoore and all went really well. my friend renukha [kishoore's mom] had done most of the organising which made it a pretty hassle free birthday for me. maybe i could persuade her to organise toby's in september :-)
aly had a great time - especially since she'd never been there before. it's a great 3 level indoor playcentre. the only trouble was there was a big net to climb up to get in and netted areas once you got up there. toby's really not very keen on treading on stuff he can see through, or heights for that matter, so i ended up crawling around [and around and around] up there with him. despite the aching knees and sore feet from the seemingly vicious netting, i did have a lot of fun and enjoyed my excuse. i'm just glad i'm not as big as many of the other parents i met up there!
today [her actual birthday] was a more low key affair - we had all her presents waiting for her at the bottom of the stairs [including a new pink girly bike which i got a great deal on [she already had a 20 dollar blue bike from walmart, but apparently it was a boy's bike, so toby has just inherited that one.]]. unfortunately riding the bikes this afternoon didn't last long because it was just me trying to help both wobbly kids so we didn't get much past the end of the path! [sascha was out trying to trade our car in for something which doesn't eat as much gas as a large bus]
we had to drop sascha at the airport at 6pm, so had decided to take aly to do something fun along the way. unfortunately she feel asleep on the drive and couldn't be persuaded to wake up for anything, so we dropped sascha off and i eventually woke her to go to the beach. the beach was a little chilly by the time we got there [it had been another really hot day so we were just in shorts and t-shirts] so after collecting a few shells and spotting some birds, we drove to a mcdonald's playplace we'd never been in. needless to say, they both had a great time. aly had a very amusing conversation with her 'friend' [a 10 year old also playing in there] - aly was asking her to read the 'signs' inside the tunnels - the girl explained that you shouldn't read those types of words and after she relayed this garbled story to me , i finally made out that it was grafitti they were talking about :-)
aly's latest phrase: "for pete's sake" [no idea where she got that one from] which toby then imitates with "for pea's cake".
may, 1
well toby purposefully used the potty today for the first time so i've upgraded him to a big boy bed [he was in a toddler bed]. the toddler bed was getting really old, really fast. i think he has allergies - he's been waking around 6am coughing and snivelling every morning and the only way to get him back to sleep is for me to get in bed with him. i know i'm small, but really, he was too big for this bed, let alone the 2 of us.
my craft program starts next wednesday evening. i hope someone comes :-) i've finally managed to find a baby sitter for the following wednesday since sascha is in california on business for a week.
temperatures hit the 80s today so i celebrated by staying in all day and doing the housework :-) it's been pretty hot for the past few weeks but it was still in the high 70s by the time we finally left the house at 5pm. this summer should be great - we have a couple of sets of great neighbours [one of whom is the aforementioned baby sitter] - our children are all around the same age and all get on well so they seem very content to play at the playground outside the house, hunt for bugs, drench each other with hoses etc. etc. the only trouble is both sets of neighbours are planning to move towards the end of summer :-(