may, 2007
may 29, 2007
it's been a fantastic bald eagle spotting week. there are always eagles flying around the place but i've seen 3 bald eagles in the past 2 days - one seems to be nesting on my route too and from work. i don't know if it's just because they are rare, because they are so SO big, or if it's just because they're the only eagle i actually know the name of, but i'm fascinated. when we stopped off in victoria on our cruise and went to the bay centre they had a taxidermy display of species of eagles and i was busy trying to commit them all to memory. unfortunately i have the world's worst memory and bald eagle is still the only one i know. so for now, i will remain only a bald eagle spotter! i might try to pull over one day and take a photo of 2 of the big guy.
aly is going on her first camping trip by herself this weekend (with sparks/brownies). i'm wondering if we'll get a call around 11pm to go and pick her up because she's changed her mind. it's only a few miles away so it won't be the end of the world if we do have to! there's an enormous list of things for her to take. i'm sure we'll have to go shopping for a few things since we're not very big on camping. we do have a tent but i think we've only slept in it for 2 nights so far (although we are going camping at the end of july for a weekend this year). as for cooking - we're strictly camp-within-driving-distance-of-a-restaurant types!
it's been a bad week for a couple of family members - sascha's brother, pete, broke his leg and my grandmother broke her shoulder. aly's gone into overdrive producing get well cards and pictures! and we all send our love.
may 21, 2007
so aly had a giant hair cut last week. it's now VERY short. she needed a hair cut of some description and had been asking to go to the hairdressers, so on monday i took her after school. i asked her if she just wanted a trim or wanted it short and she said 'short'. we both try to grow hair long enough to donate to wigs for kids or similar organization so the debate began about how much we needed to cut off to be able to donate [with only the aid of a 6 inch comb to help]. most places need 10 inches of hair, some accept 8 inch. in the end we had 10.5. after it was cut it looked like there was enough hair for a bob [which is what she ended up with last time] so i wandered off to entertain toby. anyway, when i wandered back she was pretty much done and there wasn't a hint of bob about it - it was a lot shorter. anyhoo - i was more traumatized than she was. she really liked it at first and then later that night caught a glimpse in a mirror and panicked. then at school everyone loved it, except for one boy who was mean. overall i think we're both very happy - especially the part where we don't have to spent 10 minutes doing her hair every morning or 45 minutes combing it through after washing!
here she is....

may 13, 2007
wow - latest first-of-the-month update ever.
i don't know where to start... great visit from my parents, fabulous cruise [san francisco, monterey [favourite place], astoria [felt ill - didn't get off the boat!], seattle, victoria [met up with colin], vancouver], chaotic but wonderful disney party at home for aly's 7th birthday, aly's birthday itself, mother's day at kindergarten, took my parents back to the airport, had an enjoyable mother's day today. absolute chaos. i'm knackered, but a very memorable couple of weeks.
hopefully i'll have some time to start writing about it later in the week, but for now some photos will have to suffice...


dressed for dinner

aly's birthday cake

aly and toby after an afternoon of playing pirates [at the fun factory onboard the ship]

aly and i

carousel at fisherman's pier in san francisco

monterey aquarium

arriving in seattle

seattle space needle

arriving in victoria

mother's day celebration

aly and fairy grandmother at her party

grandad the pirate
back home