stanley park is a 404.9 hectare [1,000 acre] urban park bordering in downtown vancouver
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a storm in december 2006 damaged an estimated 3,000 trees in stanley park
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peta at petawilliams dot com


may, 2008

may 27

the girls' weekend in qualicum beach was fantastic. we stayed at the same place as we did a couple of years ago, but it had been completely renovated and it was an amazing transformation. what a gorgeous place. the weather was fabulous so we all toasted to a crisp. there was some shopping, some eating, a bit of napping. in fact, it was surprisingly restful considering we were only really gone for 24hrs. while i was there, aly was camping with brownies and seemed to have a great time. while us girls were gone, sascha and toby managed to play 5 of toby's top 6 sports, so all in all a great weekend was had by all.

last night sascha and i went to see the cure in concert in vancouver [my mother's day present from sasch]. what a blast from the past. we were at the side of the stage but only a few rows from the front so i think it was the best view i've ever had. i was really intrigued to see what the audience were going to be like. as it happens, it turns out that 90% of the audience [including myself] had outgrown the goth phase and for those who hadn't, they all had to hand over their dog collars at the door! anyway, it was a great night, if a little long for an old person like me and since sasch has barely ever heard a cure song and definitely didn't go through a goth stage, it just goes to show what a great husband he is :-)

may 21

we're all alone. the house seems a little empty with di, stewart, kellie and mike all gone. it was sad to say goodbye and when toby asked 'when are we seeing those guys again' it was sad not to have an answer. it was a lot of fun to be at big family meals again. the big family get togethers are probably the thing i miss most about england. di and stewart left on saturday and after that we did very little... well except for playing lego star wars [the complete saga] on the wii for the long weekend. it's a great game and involves a lot of team work and puzzle solving which all 4 of us got involved with.

i'm trying to increase my exercise level at the moment. besides yoga once a week i'm trying to do something more energetic at least once a week - preferably more. last week we did a lot of walking - grouse mountain, capilano suspension bridge, granville island, steveston etc. and also went ice skating with kellie, mike and di. the 4 of us went for a walk this sunday to get slurpees at the gas station :-) but i would like to try to get some rollerblading in. i'm going on a girl's weekend trip to qualicum beach this weekend so maybe i'll make it up by taking a long walk with the girls on the beach.

may 4

oops, it seems to be may already. only 9 weeks to go until our disney cruise. yippee!

di and stewart arrived friday in remarkably good spirits in spite of a 2.5 hour delay due to some baggage fiasco at manchester. they head off to whistler for a few days on monday so we've been making the most of a couple of days here before they go.

yesterday we went to steveston and today we did the horse-drawn carriage tour around stanley park for the first time. i learnt a LOT of very interesting things about things in, and around, the park. afterwards we had a late brunch at the revolving restaurant in the harbour tower which was a great deal and a fantastic experience. we pretty much had the place to ourselves and the cost was no more than the comined cost would have been for a trip to the observation deck and lunch somewhere else. i always forget how iffy toby is with heights until he makes a grab for the inside wall of an elevator in something like that. he did remarkably well though - he had a window seat at lunch, although he did always keep a very tight grip on the back of his chair with at least one hand!

next weekend we'll be celebrating aly's birthday so everyone will be back from their trips and most importantly i will be in the middle of a much-needed week off work [i've been VERY tired lately and could use the break].

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