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minecraft bedroom

minecraft room

so after 3 weeks of work, colin and i finally finished toby's minecraft bedroom. definitely not in colin's usually genre, but i think he pulled it off beautifully. it's awfully handy having a mural artist in the family at times. we did NOT learn from previous mistakes - what we should have done is put it onto plywood boards so it could move with us from house to house.

projecting a minecraft scene

the scene was an amalgamation of different screen shots, colin sketched out the whole scene and then projected it on the wall using his nikon coolpix S1200pj camera. we had a vanishing point string attached to the wall for ongoing adjustments.

minecraft mural

minecraft tnt nightlight

minecraft tnt nightlight
nightlight: this was an open cube made of perler beads. the bottom was left open to slip over an automatic night light so it lights up at night. it took a full evening to make the 5 interlocking sides.

minecraft creeper switch plate

switchplate: again, made with perler beads. a little fiddly to get right, but only took an hour or 2. ideally i should go back and paint the switch iteself black, but for now, black electrical tape over the switch will have to do.

minecraft lamp and redstone
lamp: this was a basic lamp from walmart painted to look like wool. i did the first shade of grey in pen but apparently should have used paint or fabric paint for the whole thing because, as you can see, the pen leeches. next to it is a redstone nightlight from thinkgeek which we love. we also have one of the foam swords from there which is great, and these magnetic blocks which we put on a cheap magnetic white board...

minecraft sheet magnets

cube shelves
shelving: 2 sets of black cube shelving units from walmart with beige boxes from walmart and some smaller green canvas boxes from the dollar store.

minecraft boxes

minecraft boxes

boxes: we painted A LOT of boxes to look like minecraft blocks. we saw a stack of small/similar sized boxes at chapters and they were kind enough to give them to us once they were empty. i would have been happier if they were all cubes and an identical size, but beggars can't be choosers. painting these boxes was a project all of it's own which took over a week. upon reflection, we should NOT have let the kids choose which blocks to paint because i think it would have been move effective if we just had 3 or 4 designs instead of a couple of each type.

minecraft bed
bed: bedding in the traditional colours for a minecraft bed. we thought about putting some pixels on the pillowcase with grey fabric pen but this project had gone on WAY too long!

so there you go - a bit of a labour of love - but everyone is very happy with the results.

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