november 18 is mickey mouse's birthday


by peta
what is a blog?
november 19 is "have a bad day" day

email me:
peta at petawilliams dot com


november, 2002

kellie and i have decided to donate our wedding dresses to 'making memories breast cancer foundation'. also, if anyone from ventura/oxnard is reading this i'm also doing a gift wrap party at the mission in oxnard on december 14th - wrapping gifts from their toy drive [they're doing it 14, 15, 16 and 17th] - if you're interested in joining me let me know. i'm regretting having done so little for charity thus far in my life. i'm determined to make up for it from now on [hence me taking on the MOMS club board position of 'community services project coordinator'] - in fact, i think that should be my new year's resolution.

we borrowed the monsters inc. dvd for a weekend from megan and aly watched it all the way through 3 nights in a row - a big hit. she's still coming to terms with having to give it back.

sascha, kellie and kenny all went to see a poncy bafta preview screening of "die another day" in LA. sascha is still dreaming about it - very sad. [i'm just miffed because i didn't get to go :(]

congratulations to marcia, dave and david on the arrival of beautiful baby sarah.

we've finally moved house - hooray! [thanks phil & kathy :)] email me if you need the address. photos will be following shortly.

toby has had an exciting month - he got his next 2 teeth [top teeth] [he's still working on the next 2 bottom teeth so is still cranky] AND had his first proper haircut so looks all grown up.

aly has finally got the concept of airplanes actually going somewhere so each day asks 'where bemy [grammy] go?' "grammy went back home to england on the airplane aly". 'where grandad go?'; 'where oma go?' etc. etc. she loves to sing along to lenny kravitz ["i want to fly"] - at least it's a change from the disney cd!

back home



