november, 2008
november 22
we're off to brunch with my friend debbie tomorrow to celebrate her 40th, so happy birthday deb.
i've had a weird cold for the past 2 weeks. just one symptom at a time. first came the stuffy nose (3 days), then a sore throat for a couple of days, next a one day headache, then one day of sneezing - literally all day and then nothing the next day, then finally a dry cough for a few days. very bizarre. i'm not sure whether it would have been better to get it over and done with quicker, but at least this way no one day was too bad. i've decided to get a flu shot next week. they're free to me due to either asthma or pregnancy but officially i'm against them in principal. i had my first last year and was the only one in the family not to get the flu so they're winning me over!
17 days to the due date and counting. i don't remember ever being this uncomfortable in my life! i'm very up and down - both emotionally and physically. some days i have trouble just walking and then others i'm skipping around the place full of the joys of spring! the one thing i will miss about pregnancy is being treated like royalty - all those nice people offering you seats, carrying things for you, asking how you are. i think it might have been a bit irritating first pregnancy but this time i've decided to make the most of it! who knows - it could be my last pregnancy - it would be a shame to waste it. next week is my last week at work and i have a LOT to get done. i definitely don't have time to give birth next week so don't hold your breath.
this unblog is just all me me me at the moment. how boring. i guess if you're into babies and pregnancy it wouldn't be so bad, if not you'd probably be tempted to pay bills or anything rather than reading this rubbish!
november 8

a bit delayed, but i finally did some uploading to flickr:

aly at a brownies ceremony
the snow arrived this week. not here as such, but suddenly, after a few days of rain, the clouds dissappeared and in their place we were surrounded by snow-covered mountains. i don't think the novelty will ever wear off. it's similar to the feeling i would get in california when i would just catch the sunset behind purple mountains - palm trees in the foreground. on days like that, it feels good to be alive :-)

toby playing hockey

dani and i at family place
november 1
so, almost 35 weeks and people are starting to look worried around me: people in stores get that look on their face and ask if i'm ok as though i might have a baby on their floor right there and then! even kellie emailed me and said "I think we're all a bit worried you can't get any bigger". rumour has it, i'm having my first ever baby shower(s) in a couple of weeks which is very exciting. i'm liking this north american tradition

speaking of north american traditions, it was halloween yesterday. aly was a bat and toby was a jedi. i was just happy we already owned both costumes and i didn't have to buy anything this year! between various trips to pumpkin patches, halloween parties and pumpkin carving at school we ended up with 6 pumpkins [2 of them carved] [not to mention the other 7 fake pumpkins]. fortunately my lack of energy this year didn't dampen aly's enthusiasm and she got all the candy together, got the decorations out from the crawl-space and decorated the house. she does come in very handy.
i felt very canadian the other day when i sampled my first shepherd's pie made of moose. i disputed the fact that it was being called a shepherd's pie so it was renamed hunter's pie [since it was a hand made pie made with freshly dug-up potatoes and freshly hunted moose]. it has an unusual flavour - but thanks to dani it made for a lovely lunch for everyone at work.
toby was reading various trivia facts to his friend, justin, the other day. strangely one of the facts which came up sandwiched between some team's lucky octopi and a stanley cup winner was 'did you know that babies are born upside down and come out of the vagina?'. i'm sure justin was fascinated, but neither one seemed to even blink!
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