october, 2007
october 25

must be fall - it's hockey time
aly was away last weekend. weird. it's a very different family with only one child. a much more hockey filled weekend as it happened - toby's hockey game, then some floor hockey inside, some hockey outside, toby's hockey practice followed by hockey night in canada.
fundraising is going to kill me. i've finished selling magazines and christmas gifts, toby has sold apples outside the electronics store and now we've moved on to girl guide cookies and boy scout popcorn [expensive but apparently very good quality]. the boy scouts in particular are a bit cut throat. at the beginning of the year, along with the $100 annual fee, we had to give them a $50 fundraising deposit cheque which gets cashed if we don't sell $100 worth of popcorn. aaaah. stress!!
here are a few photos from our weekend in victoria:

photo taken over my head of our ride on the miniature train at heritage acres

mural by colin soon to be unveiled at the heritage museum

oh - and did i mention that i asked sascha to take my car in for a service and he came back with a new car [mazda RX8] for himself? the salesman did suggest that he might want to call his wife before signing on the line. luckily for him i have a really big soft spot for sports cars and voila...

october 14
i spent the day saturday learning american sign language in the hope that i could communicate a little more easily with a deaf [or 'seeing person' which apparently is the more PC term] volunteer who works for me. i had learnt a little british sign language at school which i think made learning ASL more difficult because it's very different - in BSL the alphabet is done with 2 hands instead of 1 and every letter is completely different. anyway, it was a wonderful experience. i wish i had the time to take it further and commit to 2.5hrs twice a week for 4 months, but alas i really don't. hopefully i'll get a bit of practice with elsie at work.
aly has been going to running club before school two days a week and competed in her first [and last!] race this week so i'm very proud of her. i managed to fit taking her to the track meet between my work hours which was great. i also managed to not to cry all over everyone like my friend connie as her son was coming in the finish line ;-p
toby's hockey seems to get more out of control by the day. he now has a practice monday after school, tuesday after school, friday before school [6.45am], saturday [8.15am], and sometimes sundays. he played in 2 games this weekend - one where he was in goal which he loves to do. aly hates the ice arena so i don't usually get to watch, but i'm going to go and see him play next weekend when aly will be with nikki, dani and colin at nikki's book launch.
the children had to answer the following questions at after school care a couple of weeks ago:
when i grow up i would like to be...
golf [toby]
teacher [aly]
if i could be anywhere in the world it would be...
france [toby]
disnyland [aly]
in 5 years i hope...
i get to play on a big golf course [toby]
play socer [aly]
when i daydream i think about...
hockey [toby]
my hamster [aly]
if i had three wishes they would be
- golf
- tennis
- hockey
- to be famis
- an onicorn (unicorn)
- a trapalen (trampoline)
my idol is...
me because i like me [toby]
my mommy and daddy because i love them [aly]
if i could meet anyone in the world it would be...
luwongo (luongo - vancouver canucks goalie) because he's my 2nd favrit golie [toby]
my coson katlin (my cousin kaitlin) because she is in my family[aly]
october 4
my life feels very chaotic at the moment. i seem to be working a lot of evenings and weekends, the children's schedules are a little frantic, we have a big event at work and there are parent-teacher conferences to squeeze in. due to the hecticness of the week, dani and aly have spent some quality time together this week - eating, doing crafts and cooking strange japanese triangles. dani is AWFULLY handy to have around :-)
we went to see our niece, cydney, vaulting the weekend before last which made for a great day out for all. even toby was on his best behaviour because he knew we were going to be passing his favourite mini golf place on the way home! cydney was amazing. all that riding around on a horse while doing gymnastics is pretty impressive. here she is
[no decent photos of the actual horse event unfortunately].

and here are aly and toby meeting up with their superstar cousin afterwards

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