october, 2008
october 18
there is a chinese theory that when you are pregnant you look more beautiful than usual if you're having a girl and not so great if you're having a boy. this means that all the chinese people who guess i'm having a girl [and everybody feels the need to guess] always say how great i'm looking, but there are also several people who say i look like i'm carrying a boy. so does this mean they're saying i look awful?
i'm half-heartedly trying to find daycare for the baby once they turn one and i need to go back to work but it all seems so unreal and far away that it's a weird thing to be doing. the fact that you need to put down a $25 deposit at each daycare [not that there are many options around here at the moment] and the waitlists look like 18 month ones [at least] is just depressing.

tubby, aly and toby
i decided to get off the sofa and go somewhere today [i've had a bit of a lazy run]. the weather was good and i had some energy, so we went to bear creek park to the halloween train/mini golf which made for a very enjoyable day.

it's been an extremely busy couple of weeks at work with a big fundraiser and then our agm thrown in for good measure. i'm hoping that things will calm down for a bit now although there's really no sign of that. work also seems to be on my mind outside of work hours much more than usual. i figure it's probably because i'm trying to get so many loose ends tied up before i leave in 6 weeks. i've accumulated quite a bit of lieu time and have decided to take a day a week back through the end of october/november. that means that this week is my last five day work week which is a very good thing given the lack of sleep/ache/pains/complaining that i'm doing. it's a good thing my office-mate, dani is pregnant too - i think my whining would be driving anyone else mad by now!
october 11
hmm.. i'm starting to think i may have over scheduled our lives for the fall. aly is at brownies once a week and karate twice a week. toby is at hockey on saturday and sunday [not the full schedule yet because it's still only the preseason]. i'm at yoga once a week, prenatal exercise once a week and working or at a PAC meeting at least once a week. aly is flaking out on karate already though - despite promising me faithfully that she would stick it out until christmas if i bought her the uniform, lessons and compulsory membership to the karate society. normally i would give her various lectures on responsibility, keeping promises and sticking with things, but in this case i may just let it go to give me an easier life. my staying power is a little lacking at 7 months of pregnancy. i'm tempted to drop one of my exercise classes but i know i feel so much better [especially when i'm pregnant] when i'm exercising regularly.

exiting news in our house - we got a brand new washer and dryer after our washer gave out on a particularly unfortunate weekend when both children had upset stomachs. i was a bit loathed to spend so much on something that is tucked out of sight in the laundry room. in the end my environmental conscience got the better of me and we paid for something a bit more modern than a straight replacement for what we already had. i'm now SO glad we did because the time taken to do 3-4 loads which used to take a good portion of the weekend is down by 50%. hooray - we've reclaimed some weekend!
unfortunately, i found out yesterday that my stomach muscles have separated considerably. something called 'diastasis'. which means unless i want the baby flopping over the top of my stomach instead of heading down the right way during birth i have to be very careful with my stomach muscles. it's not like i've been doing stomach crunches or anything anyway, but i guess i need to roll over onto all 4s before trying any tricky manoeuvres like getting out of bed (3-4 times a night over the obstacle course of 5 precision-placed pillows!). prior to now, i was just doing a half roll and using my elbows. i've also got to be careful with lifting, so my children have begrudgingly become my servants! in certain cases, it requires surgery to stitch the muscles back together again after the birth so i think i'll aim for doing as little additional damage as possible. my iron levels and thyroid levels are also apparently low, so not the best midwife appointment this week. aaah the joys of pregnancy.
october 2
so 10 weeks to go and i'm still alternating between excitement and panic [which i have many sleepless nights to contemplate]. fortunately excitement usually wins.
colin's cousin mike and his wife, lee, were in town from oxford last week. we spent a very pleasant day with them up the harbour tower for brunch [our favourite place to eat brunch], stanley park and capilano suspension bridge. it was lovely to see them [and colin] again and to return some of the hospitality they showed us last time we were in the uk.
we also saw nick and his new wife, abby, earlier in the month. it had been a long time since we'd seen nick after missing him the last time we were in the uk and so nice to see him married off a last ;-p it was great to meet abby, who toby took a particular liking to [and he's hard to please!]
september was really busy month at work and i'd forgotten how much more effort it is when you have to factor in time for homework and making lunches every night now that the kids are back at school. it'll be strange to become a stay at home mom again for a year once the baby arrives. i'm not sure how well i will adjust to having aly and toby from 2.30pm every day - let alone a newborn thrown in for good measure! i'd like to think that our days will be less rushed because we'll have more than 2-3 hours together to get everything done at night. ha.
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