october 17
thanksgiving must be officially over - the turkey is all gone [after 3 turkey dinners, turkey tacos, turkey salad, turkey sandwiches]. thank you very much to nikki and dani for cooking and to jane for all the preparation she did beforehand [then couldn't enjoy when we couldn't get a ferry to victoria at the last minute]. on thanksgiving we happened upon 'battle of the blades' - ex-hockey players in a figure skating reality tv show. you don't get much more canadian than that!
with thanksgiving came the cranberry harvest which i LOVE to watch. suddenly driving alongside lakes with their bright pink floating berries instead of fields is very cool. unfortunately, this year, the cranberry harvest seems to have brought thousands of fruit flies with it. they've been driving us crazy but seem to be dying off now. now if only we could get rid of the skunks.
bit of a nightmare week - aly and toby took turns with coughs and colds. they only managed 2 days of school between them. one of them would be just borderline ill enough to stay off school and drive me mad leaping around the place, while the other would be miserable and needing all my attention. throw zoe into the mix and the fun just never ended!
this week, miraculously, zoe is listening to the word no, shaking her head, and instead of carrying on with whatever dangerous or destructive thing she was in the middle of, is actually stopping doing it. no doubt by next week she'll be back to carrying on doing it, or will learn to shout NO back at me, but for now, i'm going to enjoy it. she also learnt to do her first sign on her 10 month birthday. she can now sign 'more'. she signs it to mean pretty much anything - more entertainment please, more of your food please, more of the thing i wasn't supposed to be doing etc, etc, but at least she's signing. she understands about half a dozen signs, but this was the first she intentionally signed for herself.
whilst sascha, aly and toby went to play on the boat today, zoe and i went to alexandra's baby shower. alexandra is looking fabulous. i only wish she didn't have to go back to calgary. hopefully they'll come visit for some playdates.
october 10
so my shiny new kitchen is all finished. i stroke it and sing to it regularly. i'm very very happy and it looks like we'll be officially christening it with a canadian thanksgiving dinner tomorrow [after a number of failed attempts to try and get over to the island on a ferry today, the turkey, nikki and colin came to us instead].

new kitchen

old kitchen
last weekend we had the opportunity to sail on our new [to us] boat 'bluewave' for the first time. it's a 27ft cal. other than zoe, everyone was very impressed and the weather was fantastic - especially considering it's october. zoe cheered up once she feel asleep and enjoyed her nap whilst being gently rocked from side to side.

i'm LOVING this zoe-stage - she's able to move around which means she can entertain herself a bit more and show you what she wants. her personality is beginning to show [she's been chasing boys around playgroup trying to steal their cool looking cars which is just the sort of thing aly would have done] and she's a lot of fun to interact with. i'm sure i'll keep saying this, but it's amazing the difference a week or two makes.
october 1

here we are in october and i'm another year wiser [or more cynical anyway]. zoe is in full swing with her path of destruction now she has new-found maneuverability.

i guess she's coming with me to wash my hands after diaper changes from now on!

such an angel

emptying drawers - another speciality
i'm already starting to get excited about christmas in the uk which is unusual for me because i don't tend to get excited about going anywhere until i'm on the plane. it will have been 3 years though since zoe scuppered plans for christmas 2009 so it's a long overdue visit.
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