einstein couldn't speak fluently when he was nine. his parents thought he might be retarded | ![]() |
.petapatter. by petawhat is a blog? |
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harry truman's middle name was just 'S' - his parents could not decide between two different names beginning with S |
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| product availability ponderings / parenting / product availability
my friend megan groans each time someone in a playgroup asks me where i got something. generally if she overhears she'll shout 'england' before i can. each time i buy a gift for someone here i'm always trying to remember what products you get here (in the US) which you can't get in england and vice versa so here's a list of a few i can remember: products not readily available in the US [well, CA anyway]:
products not readily available in the uk:
.sigh. i miss boots so much .sigh. |