matt groening, creator of the simpsons, incorporated his initials into the drawing of homer; M is his hair and G is his ear


by peta
what is a blog?
a flemish artist is responsible for the world's smallest painting; it is a picture of a miller and his mill, and it was painted onto a grain of corn

email me:
peta at petawilliams dot com


aly's art

media gallery / 2002 / aly's art

aly loves to draw with anything. she's usually really good about sticking to the paper/chalkboard etc. EXCEPT with an ink pen where she draws all over her hands/feet/legs etc. we think this could be grandad's bad influence [he likes to ink little faces onto fingers and toes]

all of these works of art were done when aly was between 20-22 months. the background on the pages was stamped by aly.

aly's art
aly's art
art d'aly

aly's art
aly's scrapbook - mommy donates her unused photos and stickers and aly puts the glue on the back, chooses stickers and sticks them down.