The original name for the butterfly was 'flutterby'


by peta
what is a blog?
There are more plastic flamingos in the U.S. than real ones

email me:
peta at petawilliams dot com


aly's 2nd birthday

media gallery / 2002 / aly's 2nd birthday

aly's birthday was spongebob themed [of course]. in the first picture she's just off to the mailbox post her invitations. the kids all had a great time bouncing on the castle and playing in the balls. quinn found a black widow in the backyard which made for an interesting afternoon.

birthday preparations
birthday preparations

the kiss!
aly and liam snuggling up together

playing in the balls
fun in the ball pool

sharing bubbles

the playstation
spongebob on the playstation and uncle kenny getting beaten by a 5 year old on a racing game!

aly in her new tunnel
aly in her new tunnel