since the lego group began manufacturing blocks in 1949, more than 189 billion pieces in 2000 different shapes have been produced [enough for about 30 lego pieces for every person on earth]


by peta
what is a blog?
the name "lego" comes from the danish word LEg GOdt, which means ""play well"

email me:
peta at petawilliams dot com



media gallery /legoland / 2002 / photos

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the legoland entrance
at the legoland entrance

on the train ride

on the train ride
on the train ride

daddy and toby on the fairytale boat ride
daddy and toby on the fairytale boat ride

lego factory
aly finding out how lego is made in the factory

in the doctors office
in the doctors office

aly and kellie on the helicopter ride
aly and kellie on the helicopter ride

toby talking to the lego man
toby talking to the lego man

kellie and aly in the big lego house
kellie and aly in the big lego house

toby in lego jail
toby in lego jail

NY skyline in lego
NY skyline in lego

aly knocking on a door in the snow cave
aly knocking on a door in the snow cave

toby giggling
toby liked legoland a lot

musical toy
toby and his new friend playing with a musical toy

toby pressing his favourite button
toby spend ages pressing these buttons to make sounds over and over again

mommy building with BIG lego
mommy building with BIG lego

aly & mommy in our new house
aly & mommy in our new house

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