an elephant's trunk is the nose and upper lip joined together it has 40,000 muscles, but no bones


by peta
what is a blog?
the first known "zeedonks" were the result of an accidental mating between a male chapman’s zebra and a female black ass (donkey) at colchester zoo in 1983

email me:
peta at petawilliams dot com


colchester zoo

media gallery / 2003 / colchester zoo

colchester is quite possibly the STEEPEST zoo in the world [competing only with legoland windsor for ridiculous slopes]. there are designated "accessible routes" around the zoo but we obviously strayed from them a couple of times since we found ourselves having to reverse down some of the slopes!

they loved the monkeys but mostly loved the big play areas. personally i found the penguins [usually my favourites] a little disappointing since they refused to move, but the baby elephant made up for it. an escaped goat also did it's fair share of entertaining. toby on the other hand did his usual trick - falling asleep on the train ride.

colchester zoo
colchester zoo
colchester zoo
colchester zoo

toby and aly watching the monkeys
toby and aly watching the monkeys

helen rescuing aly
helen rescuing aly

aly watching the elephants
aly watching the elephants

mommy and baby elephant
mommy and baby elephant

toby watching the elephants
toby watching the elephants