the empress hotel
media gallery / 2003 / the empress hotel
sascha arranged tea at the empress hotel for our 3rd wedding anniversary. we came back down to earth to play pool and ntn trivia at the pub afterwards.
the empress hotel
the 'tea'. they rose to the challenge of producing me a dairy/egg/wheat free tea very well! - mine is the dinner plate at the front of this shot. i also got a fruit bowl to start and a separate dessert plate. we were very glad when we heard the people next to us ask for a doggy bag - i ended up getting 3 meals out of it!
sascha drinking tea! this was the first cup of tea i'd ever seen sascha drink and actually he ended up drinking about 6 cups! he's started to make a habit of it but his taste is a little expensive - he's only drink the empress' special exclusive blend. [surprise surprise!]
peta and sascha 'at tea'
the tea room - which is actually in the main lobby of the hotel?!
peta in the gardens afterwards