methyphobia is fear of alcohol - never a problem at ex-bluewave get togethers


by peta
what is a blog?
when i joined bluewave in 1995 most people calling for richard asked for 'lance' and for sascha asked for 'alex'

email me:
peta at petawilliams dot com



media gallery / 2003 / ex-bluewavers

it was lovely to see so many old friends. nobody really seems to have changed anything other than their jobs. mike's hair disappeared and seems to have been donated to andy's chin. dave's a little tidier but just as grumpy. nick is still making no sense [but then i don't think i saw him sober].

gerard's birthday

gerard connery
gerard connery - the birthday boy

we went to a strange pub/pool room/chinese restaurant in finsbury park. to celebrate gerard's 35th [or 'half way to death' as he preferred it to be known!] birthday. it was great to see him and various other long lost bluewavers.

sascha badly lost a grudge fussball match but he didn't mind too much since gerard had bought him a lovely surprise gift [i know the person who's birthday it is doesn't usually BUY the presents] - a genuine premiership sunderland shirt WORN [eurgh] in a match by someone called williams [don't ask me for details] - which of course means it handily has 'williams' written across the back. this was a thank you gift for the thank you gift which sascha bought gerard [the opportunity to play with an ex-sunderland player in a match at the stadium of light], which in turn was a thank you gift for letting us stay in their lovely spare room for a few days [thank you!]. that's a lot of thanking - how sweet. i suppose fellow sunderland fans have to find solace in anyone they can!

gerard and liz
gerard and liz - how sweet

the london eye with jonp

we FINALLY got to go for a 'flight' [BA-speak] on the london eye. we were feeling slightly guilty since aly had seen it the day she was in london and was desperate to go on it but we ran out of time. i think it was a lot more substantial than either of us had expected. it was nice to see jonp outside of work. he'd been on it lots of times but not for a while so was happy to join us.

on our flight
on our 'flight'

see also mike's eurovision party