channel islands harbour: where rudolph valentino filmed the "sheik", john wayne fished and cousteau's son still sails


by peta
what is a blog?
of the 2,000+ species of plants and animals found within the channel islands national park, 145 are unique to the islands and found nowhere else in the world

email me:
peta at petawilliams dot com


goodbye ventura

media gallery / 2003 / goodbye ventura

on saturday june 9th we finally left ventura - our home for the past 2 years and toby’s birthplace. in our usual fashion we did a 23hr drive straight through to vancouver, stopping only for meals and gas. it hit me that we were moving to canada about an hour into the journey. it didn’t hit me until a couple of days later that we’d really left ventura, some of the best friends i’d ever made and kellie & kenny.

leaving ventura
leaving ventura
leaving ventura county

what we’ll miss:

  • kellie & kenny
  • the moms club
  • scrapbooking with good friends
  • year round golf
  • our cars
  • beaches
  • chuck e cheese

what we won’t:

  • earthquake threat [although vancouver is by no means free of that]
  • black widows
  • terrible traffic lights
  • hopeless news coverage