gulliver's world celebrated its 25th anniversary in the 2003 season


by peta
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pricing at gulliver's world is based on height - children under 90cm are free

email me:
peta at petawilliams dot com


gulliver's world

media gallery / 2003 / gulliver's world

on national scrapbook day, while my mum and i were busy entertaining, sascha and my dad took the children to gulliver's world for the day. they also managed to squeeze in a trip to the pub on the way home of course - their excuse was that the children was asleep in the car and they needed something to do but as you can see from the photos aly was definitely conscious for some of it.

gullivers world
gullivers world

the teacups ride
aly and toby on the teacups ride

the ladybug ride
aly and toby on the ladybug ride

toby on the carousel
toby on the carousel

aly on the carousel
aly on the carousel

aly and grandad
aly and grandad

at the pub
at the pub
a drink or two on the way home [and spongebob on the dvd for aly]