new york's central park is nearly twice the size of the entire country of monaco


by peta
what is a blog?
the tallest tree recorded is located in humboldt redwoods state park, california. it is a coast redwood and has been measured at 117 metres high

email me:
peta at petawilliams dot com


minoru park

media gallery / 2003 / minoru park

after her first day of skating we took aly to preschool and then toby and mommy went for a walk. we found a huge, lovely park just behind the famiy place. it was like finding a secret garden.

the waterfall

tai chi at the waterfall
tai chi at the top of the waterfall

toby checking out the apples
baby apples
toby thought these berries were baby apples

the ducks

big leaves
BIG leaves. they don't make leaves this big in england

one of many squirrels
one of many squirrels

sunlight through the leaves
sunlight through the leaves of a tree

more tai chi in the park
more tai chi in the park

the track i was amazed by the number of walkers doing laps on the track outside aly's school. when we first dropped her off there was a positive traffice jam! that's something i don't ever remember seeing in the uk - people walking around tracks