there are three main first nations groups on vancouver island: the kwakwaka'wakw, the nootka and the coastal salish


by peta
what is a blog?
the median age of the population in british columbia is 37.5 years

email me:
peta at petawilliams dot com


the roys in victoria

media gallery / 2003 / the roys in victoria

we spent a long weekend in victoria with the roys when they came to visit - that's 12 people in a bedroom house. fortunately bart and tonya brought a trailer and nikki likes to sleep in the barn??!

wellsview road
a room with a view [the williams' house]


happy birthday tonya
happy birthday tonya

surprise cake for tonya
a suprise cake for tonya for her birthday made dani and cyd

thank you kiss
big thank you kiss!

sneaky taste
aly and toby were both ater a sneak preview taste of the cake!

bbq on the balcony

bbq on the balcony
one of many balcony bbqs


golf club rowing
aly using toby's golf clubs to row

view from the house
view from the house. i think i take this photo every time we visit. i don't think you could ever tire of this view

splash park
at the splash park in richmond with the roys