in the year 2000, there were approximately 11,000 injuries that were treated in a hospital in the US that resulted from fireworks


by peta
what is a blog?
in 1605 on the anniversary of guy fawkes and the gunpowder plot being foiled, bonfires were lit to burn effigies of guy fawkes and fireworks let off in defiant celebration all over london

email me:
peta at petawilliams dot com


trick or treating

media gallery / 2003 / trick or treating

we took the children trick or treating in our apartment complex - aly and toby had quite the duet going with aly shouting 'trick or treat' and toby shouting 'thank you' once they got their candy. we then gave out candy at home for a little while before heading to mclean park in hamilton for a small fireworks show. as you can probably see from the photos, aly was not terribly keen [even with headphones on, listening to music]!

counting candy
aly and toby counting candy
aly and toby taste testing. toby decided 'chocolate balls' are his favourite

at the fireworks

aly in hiding
aly hiding under my fleece